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Thomas Kyle ([info]cantkeepmeout) wrote,
He chuckled. "Oh no, not exertion at all." He noticed one of the more...driven (the polite term) women of old money making a too-straight bee line in this direction. Sigh, probably trying to attach him to her daughter or something. Old money meets old money or some such nonsense. Time to make his escape.

He turned to Barbie and shot her a smile. "Wonderful talking to you, but I need to bow out, being hunted." His eyes indicated the woman behind her doing an admirable job dodging crowds to head this way. When she turned back around he'd managed to produce some mistletoe, from his sleeve, a pocket, some other sleight of hand, it wasn't clear but there it was. There wasn't much other warning before he leaned down to give her a brief kiss and smile again.

"Happy holidays, I hope to see you around," he grinned over his shoulder as he turned around to make his disappearance into the crowd and foil his pursuer.

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