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cordelia nott ([info]cordiess) wrote,
@ 2020-07-16 11:31:00

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>>> personality

Soft spoken and shy to anyone but her family, Cordie is easy to get along with, but often gets taken advantage of. She’s very even natured and well equipped to deal with irate customers and finicky supervisors. But with her calm and eager to please nature, Cordie often comes off as a ditz. Cordie works hard at everything and excels at organizing things and soothing sore tempers. She’s also very kind and generous and has a difficult time saying no when people ask things of her.

full name: Cordelia Bethany Nott
birthdate: 1 September 1954
bloodline: Half-blood
parents: Carrie Burke and Edmond Burke (deceased)
other family: sisters: Caterina Goyle (33), Carolanne Crabbe (30); brother-in-laws: Galaway Goyle (40), Horace Crabbe (45); nephews: Giles Goyle, Gregory Goyle, Oscar Crabbe and Vincent Crabbe; aunt and uncle: Duncan and Elisabeth Jugson; cousins: Bree Dawlish, Catlin Llewellyn, Deidra McKinnon, Erin Jugson and Will Jugson; cousins by marriage: Nate Dawlish, Ioan Llewellyn, Matthew McKinnon and Anneliese Jugson.
occupation: secretary at The Daily Prophet
wand: Beechwood 5 1/4", hippocampus mane.
patronus: turtle
boggart: Dugbogs and mice.
pets: Claudius (cat), Bacon (piglet)
accomplishments: schooling: </b> Hufflepuff 1966-73
height: 5'3”
weight: 126 lbs
partner: Hamilton Theodore Nott

>>> history
The youngest daughter of three, Cordelia grew up in a fairly affluent family but tended to keep to herself. Her sisters were closer to each other in age so they tended to exclude young Cordie, but she didn’t much mind. More introverted than her sisters, Cordie loved to spend time alone with her pretend friends and books instead of playing with her sisters like her mother wanted her to. Cordie was very much her father’s daughter and he loved to dote on his daughters but especially his youngest.

Her father died before she turned sixteen of a rare case of adult dragon pox and devastated Cordie and their family. The majority of his inheritance went to his sister’s sons and has been held in wait for them until they turn of age, but that left her mother and sisters out in the cold. Caterina had already been married off by their father to Dennis Crabbe and Carolanne was set to marry another pureblooded man, leaving Cordie and her mother to fend for themselves. There was enough inheritance for Carrie to keep up with their house and estate, but she was forced to get a job to help pay for schooling for Cordie, but did so with a smile. In accordance with her father’s wishes, Cordie married Hamilton Nott, an arranged marriage but she's so excited and happy for it, after having gone through a bit of trouble trying to reconcile the whole 'marriage' concept to her mindset. They are expecting their first child in October.

>>> out of character

Played by: Amy Adams
Font: Worstveld Sling
Player: Alter
Soundtrack:Whispering A Symphony

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