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cris • tee • nuh ([info]cristina_lacosa) wrote,
Dimitri, December 24th, 1980
Dimitri pulled at his bottom lip, staring out of the window of Dean's nursery. The boy was tugging happily at his chain, and usually Dimitri gently swatted him away before he snapped it, but his thoughts were too jumbled to pay attention. The snow was bright against the black night, and he wondered if it would stick for the morning. That would be good, Dean's first Christmas a white one.

Have something good about it, anyway. It was as if he couldn't catch a break; the war was in full blast, it seemed like the death eaters and criminals of the world thought that they were free to roam the streets and cause havoc. Dimitri didn't know how long he would be able to deal with the stress of work, especially because a security guard, even the 'head go-to man' as he called himself, didn't suffer half this much.

And the owls didn't help. Dimitri had been used to threats, he was a bloody hitwizard, he dealt with threats every day, but what made these letters different was that they weren't threatening, they were inviting. They hadn't officially stated what they wanted, but Dimitri knew it could only be one thing; he would rather die than become a death eater.

There was a sharp tug and a snap--Dean had pulled his chain straight off Dimitri's neck.

"Man..." Dimitri lightly groaned, shifting Dean so he could pull out his wand. He knew it wasn't fair, that Dean had seen more magic than Gabrielle ever would, but Dimitri couldn't hide it from his son. The necklace repaired itself, and Dimitri made to put it on, but Dean snatched for it again. He watched the boy slip the gold material through his fingers and smiled. With another small charm the necklace curled into itself and shrunk, to just the right size to fit around Dean's wrist.

"Here," Dimitri said, slipping it onto the boy. Dean gazed at his wrist for a moment, seemingly entranced, and then let out a shrill laugh and shook his wrist frantically. "Faaaancy, Dean, fancy."

Well, at least he had Christmas off. He didn't have to worry until after that.

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