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cris • tee • nuh ([info]cristina_lacosa) wrote,
Madeleine, #124
1. What can you consider as the greatest thing you've ever done for/ to yourself? Getting on that plane to England :)

2. What/ Which part of your life you think you could have done better and why? Probably plan out this insane relationship Nicholas and I developed. I love where we are, but think about it! Maybe he could have moved to Italy, you know, my father would have helped us with a house and everything, and I wouldn't have had to quit my job. But, I am happy with our lives.

3. Do you have that one person whom you consider to be the wind beneath your wings? Silly, yes! Nicholas of course :)

4. Tell us about your longest relationship. Nick isn't my longest, I dated a boy all throughout high school. His name was Antonio and everyone thought we were going to get married. But he went to a different university, and we broke up by the first winter break.

5. In a relationship, when do you get to that point of enough is enough? With what? There's the distance to consider, and it was barely a month before I could handle not being with Nicholas. I suppose if you could go longer than that it means you don't really need to be with them.

Bonus (as in optional):What is that one intimate moment with someone you miss so much and what are you willing to risk to have another moment of it. I guess one night without crying children. But I love my bambinos so much so, really, it is okay.

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