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cris • tee • nuh ([info]cristina_lacosa) wrote,
Adelaide, #123
1. Which one turns you on more Ink or piercing? Why? Ugh, well. I guess I'd have to say tattoo. Piercings are girly.

2. What ink do you have? If none, what would you get and and where? I don't have any, but I'd probably get Lee's name in Korean or something.

3. What piercing do you have? If none, what would you get and and where? Just my ears. And my belly button. But only Andre knows that.

4. Any other adornments you like to do for your lover or have then do for you? Mm, don't think so.

5. Of all of the above is there anything that is an immediate Turn-Off? A nose ring. ERGH.

Bonus (as in optional): If money/work place rules/your life/whatever what ALL would you do to your body in the name of sexual or just general adornment? Er...ear...rings?

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