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cris • tee • nuh ([info]cristina_lacosa) wrote,
Molly and Gideon
"Are you gonna marry Arrrrrthur?"

Molly swatted her littlest brother's hand away from her quill; he had such a fascination with it, always trying to grab the feather or blowing it this way and that. His disturbance simply would not do whilst she attempted to write this letter. To Arthur. Who she was going to marry.

"I dunnooooo," Molly teased, even though she knew it was sealed in the stars. Couples like her and Arthur, well, they only came every other millennium or so, and it would be such a shame if they weren't married as quickly as possible. But, she wasn't even in her sixth year yet, so long love notes would have to do.

"Is that letter for Arrrrrthur?"


Gideon giggled and came around her chair, pulling open her desk drawer to presumably look for crayons. This little brother was far more tolerable than the other; Fabian tended to bring a hurricane of a mess into each room he entered, and Gideon was usually the one to clean it up (and take the blame for, but Molly usually helped). He found a scrap piece of parchment and began doodling. He was rather good with his letters, and new quite a few words without any sort of prompt, so Molly let him doodle as she finished her letter with a flourish.

A very detailed flourish, in case you were wondering. A kind of flourish that made Molly fold up the parchment quickly, and attempt to remember when her mother was to go out, so she could send it off without any sort of suspicion. It would do her no good for a flourishing letter like this get intercepted.

"Wait!!!!" Gideon shouted as Molly started out of the room. He hurried over and thrust the parchment at Molly, and she stared down at him skeptically before unfolding it. Molly's face broke out into a grin and she held the parchment up to the light.

In the oddest shape (mostly just circles with lines sticking out of them, she was assuming they were arms and legs) were two large 'people' with red hair, and at least twelve little 'people' with bright, bright red hair at their 'feet' and in the sky were two other redhaired 'people' and Molly bent down to Gideon's height for an explanation.

"Arthur and me?" she said, pointing to the large circles. Gideon nodded. "And the flying ones? You and Fabian?" He nodded faster. "And these little ones are...?"

"All your babies!"

"Twelve babies?"

"That's not a lot..." Gideon's fingers wiggled in front of his nose for a moment, and then his eyes widened, jaw dropping widely, "Oh no, it is a lot, I dunt haves that many fingers!"

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