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cris • tee • nuh ([info]cristina_lacosa) wrote,
@ 2008-04-06 00:51:00

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the twenty five flavors of the dark side
happy ✢ angry ✠ sad ϟ concerned ☁ scared

crying ✌ jealous ☺ first crush ★ regret ღ innocent

birth ♦ betrayed ☄ best friend ☮ content ʊ traumatized

death ☯ drunk ✿ flustered ☾ bitchy ✓ parental

first year ✦ hogwarts ∞ deathly hallows ♣ family ❂ pick-your-own

h a p p y

All he could hear was the crashing of waves against the beach. All he could see was...nothing, because his eyes were closed underneath his sunglasses. All he could feel was the sun beating down on him, and Anneliese's fingers lightly dancing on his chest, her head lying on his shoulder as she pressed against him on the towel they'd laid out.

The holiday was a culmination of a lot of things. Finishing Hogwarts, managing to make it through the first two months of torture in the auror program, his birthday, and it was nearing a year on his and Anneliese's anniversary. The trip was something he'd never experienced and was glad to; he'd never been on a holiday without his family before, and Will planned on taking advantage of the insane amount of quiet he and Anneliese had. They talked, they would go see the sights and even do a bit of scuba diving (stupid--brittle stars), but they were quick to find ease in the silence and comfort of each other. Will could honestly say he'd never been happier in his life, and felt in his chest that he needed to tell her this. Anneliese, he needed to...let her know.

Will shifted underneath her slightly, feeling his arm begin to tingle with the lack of circulation. He hated giving into those natural annoyances, disrupting the peace he had with Anneliese. She lifted her head off his shoulder and Will's eyes cracked open slowly, preparing for the sun that would break through his glasses' shade.

"Do you want to get something to eat?" she said quietly, almost lazily as her hand drifted up his chest and to his hair. Will's eyes shut momentarily as he felt her fingers moved through his hair, and his nearly bloodless arm raked around her side to grip onto her.

"I'm fine," he murmured, giving a slight tug to her waist to urge her back down beside him. Anneliese resisted slightly, but only to lean over Will's body with a grin.

"We can't stay like this forever," she said, eyes shining teasingly; Will knew she meant to take him back out into the water for more underwater adventures, but he doubted he would venture out into the ocean again. Her words, however, made him stop his mental decline of the swimming suggestion, and Will pushed his elbows into the ground below him to sit up.

"Yes we can," he said almost urgently, hunching forward, "would you like to?"

"Will! I start Hogwarts in three days, we can't possibly stay any longer!" Anneliese let out, though she was smiling nonetheless. Will fancied the idea that she would be more than willing to stay here if were not for her education, and it ignited his sudden fervor even more.

"Not here, but like this, with--me." His hands pressed to her sides, resting on at the top of her hips as his breathing became a bit faster, harder. Will couldn't believe his mind was running in the direction he was sure it would inevitably reach, but it was and he couldn't stop himself, "Would you like to stay like this forever, like we are right now, with me?"

"I--I---William Jugson! Are you--what--what are you saying?" Anneliese was barely to let out, as she'd begin to let out short, frantic breaths, hands grabbing onto his shoulders in a near skin-piercing grip. Will flung off his glasses, pulling her closer, nearly on top of his lap, unable to control the excitement and sheer happiness that was making him suddenly, abruptly, spontaneously propose to this woman.

"Will you marry me?" he asked, feeling her sharp breaths on his face as they moved closer, tighter. Anneliese let out a choking sound, which in any other occasion he may have been concerned, but. She was kissing him now, hard, so hard that he fell back onto the towel, Anneliese quite comfortably on top of him now. "Is that a--yes!"

"YES!" she shrieked into his mouth, and Will was quite certain this was the best holiday he'd ever go on.

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d r u n k

"You wanna know whosea---fecking arse?"

"Who is a fucking arse, Will?" Rhys responded with a tired sigh, eyebrows going high from his position on the adjacent stool. Will dropped down to the counter, completely pissed out of his mind, and it was a good minute before he was able to lift his head again. He pointed a not-so-stiff finger at Rhys and his tongue pushed under his upper lip as he revved up his response.

"Fabian. Prewett."

"How could I have guessed," his friend responded dryly, swiveling on his stool to press his back into the counter. "You've only been ranting about him since he died, last year."

Will pulled a face, lips twisting greatly as his brain wracked for a decent response.

"Oh yeah. He is dead, innit he?" Will muttered, "Died a hero, Anne---Annie---Anna---my wife tells me, all the bloody time."

"What brought him up tonight?" Rhys asked, only partly interested. This wasn't the first time Will's never-dying hatred for the Prewett brother had caused nights like this. It didn't help that Anneliese actually cared that he had died and all that rubbish. "Did you find one of Anneliese's old love notes?"

"No," Will spat, turning back to the bar (he had attempted to spin it to sit like Rhys, but that was far too dizzying) and slouching on his elbows. The bartender shared a glance with Rhys and filled Will's glass with water, earning a nod from his friend, "She's just bloody hormonal and keeps crying about it and it's---you know, that's my daughter she's preg'nent with!"

"Really?" Rhys asked, doing an expert job of feigning surprise as Will nodded furiously, "And here I was getting all excited about my new bundle of joy..."

"Fuck you--" Will's arm shot out to shove Rhys' shoulder, but he missed and slid off the stool. Luckily he still had some sense and landed on his feet, but it didn't last long; his knees gave out and his chin hit the bar before he dropped to the ground. Rhys watched the entire display with silent amusement, and raised his hand for the tab.

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d e a t h l y • h a l l o w s

The sight of her left him speechless as it always had. For the past twenty years Anneliese Rosenberg’s face, her eyes, her smile, it had struck him in such a way that it always took a moment to form a comprehensible thought. He hadn’t seen her face in nearly two years, and it stirred such a feeling in his chest that Will thought he might pass out again. He almost smiled at her, and he would have if the resistance against his moving wrist had not reminded him where he was. Will dropped his hand back to the hospital bed, the magical handcuff chinking against the side bar.

He was tied up, like an animal. Will’s eyes darted away from her, staring up at the ceiling, across the room, out the window, anywhere but her. This was the last way he’d imagined being reunited with his wife---or---he didn’t know if she was still his wife. Will wouldn’t blame her for moving on, he blamed himself for all the terrible things that his family had been through since he’d joined the death eaters, but the thought...he was getting ahead of himself.

“How are you feeling?”

It was so forced. Will couldn’t look at her, but he shrugged, the simple movement causing the soreness of his entire body to ache. He shut his eyes as the pain swept through him and with another breath he attempted to answer her, “Peachy.”

Will hadn’t managed a sarcastic tone in literally years, and didn’t know where his answer had come from. A choked, small laugh escaped Anneliese and his heart thudded. All he wanted to do was tell her that he was sorry, but his shame was forcibly overwhelming. Just the thought of looking her in the eye made his body shake. He had been able to read Anneliese’s face like an open book since they met. Will had no desire to torture himself even further with visual evidence of how much he’s destroyed their lives.

How could he explain his actions to her? The lies for the past twenty years---to Will, it had all been to protect her and their children, he justified his actions that way. Once you were caught under the shadow of the Dark Lord, there was no escaping. Will had accepted the job in France, much to Voldemort’s displeasure and had suffered for it, but he managed to create a ruse of recruitment. Everything he’d ever done was for his family, he’d gotten his mark to avenge his brother’s death, he’d kept up with the auror program to fight for innocents like Deidra, he had moved his entire life to France to ensure that Anneliese was never in harm’s way...

...and look where it had all gotten him. Bound to a hospital bed, probably awaiting a trial that would send him to Azkaban for the rest of his life.

They were in silence for a few more minutes, Will’s ragged breathing the only sound. Unfortunately for him, he recalled the battle, and knew that he was lucky (or unlucky) to be alive. After saving MacFusty from the group of death eaters, Will had commanded a post, stopping at least a dozen death eaters from entering the Great Hall. It could have made a big difference, but he didn’t know. Though he supposed that if the Dark Lord had won, he would not have set him up in a hospital room to recover. Will should be dead.

“What happened?” Will asked. He didn’t think he’d have to explain his question. Where had the Dark Lord run off to now, how badly destroyed was Hogwarts, had Potter survived or was he missing once more?

Her chair creaked and scraped against the floor. Will turned his head away as she had come into his peripheral vision. Anneliese let out a few nervous breaths, and he could almost see her playing with her fingernails because of her nerves.

“There was a duel in the Great Hall,” she started, and Will shut his eyes. Maybe he hadn’t managed to do much good, “Harry Potter and You-Know-Who...I’m still not very sure, but it had to do with some ancient magic, Harry Potter was protected from all of the hexes and spells and....he’s gone.”

Will’s eyes shot open, unsure what she meant. “Who’s gone?” Potter had been protected, he understood that, but she couldn’t possibly...his confusion overtook his shame and he turned to face Anneliese, eyes wide. Looking into her eyes made his heart race again, but his brain was in control, “Who’s gone?”

Her eyes widened and she straightened in the chair. Anneliese looked so different, yet she was the girl he’d fallen madly in love with all those years ago. She still made him crazy, and just watching her slight movements caused a stirring in his chest Will thought he’d lost forever.

“You-know....” she paused, and then looked him straight in the eye, “Voldemort. Harry Potter killed him, he’s dead.”

Her words struck him harder than any spell he’d been hit with at the battle. Voldemort was gone? He was dead, Potter killed him, he was gone, the Dark Lord was gone, he was gone---

“He’s gone,” Will let out, blinking furiously, his hands, legs, entire body beginning to shake. His throat clenched, his chest tightened, he didn’t think he’d be able to breath in a moment. Tears pierced his eyes as Will gasped for air, deep tremors racing through him. His body had never felt such a shock, and he lurched forward, able to sit up but the chains around his wrists kept him from going any further. “He’s gone?”

“Will!” he heard Anneliese cry out, but his chest was heaving and he felt as if the walls around him were beginning to crush in around him. Letting out a long, deep scream, Will kicked his sheets away, kicked at the bars and the end of the bed. He couldn’t breathe, it was like being trapped and needing to break free but he couldn’t, these bloody chains held him down, he couldn’t---he couldn’t move, he couldn’t move, he needed to get out of here, he needed----he was gone, he was gone, he was gone---

The healers arrived quickly, and two burly hitwizards pushed him down to the bed. Will thrashed and fought against them, and he heard Anneliese’s cries in the background.

“Be careful! He’s claustrophobic, he’s having an attack! He doesn’t know---”

“Anneliese!” he yelled out, fighting against the hitwizard’s arm that was pinned to his chest, “Anneliese, Anneliese!”

He watched as a healer managed to grab hold of his wrist and he screamed out in pain as she injected him with something that immediately coursed up the vein of his arm. Will could feel his body begin to numb and his head lolled from side to side on the pillow, the energy he had just expelled still giving him momentum. The hitwizards loosened their grip on him, backing away from the bed, and before his eyes shut he watched Anneliese rush to his side and take his hand in both of hers.

Will blinked slowly up at her, fighting to stay awake for a few more seconds. His fingers gripped onto hers and she was saying something but he couldn’t hear her. The world around him was fading into blackness, but at least he would disappear knowing that Voldemort was dead and Anneliese would still hold his hand.

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