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cris • tee • nuh ([info]cristina_lacosa) wrote,
@ 2008-04-06 02:25:00

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phoebe doge
f l a v o r s
08. First Crush

09. Yule Ball

13. Best Friend

17. Drunk

Ohhhh, she was never believing another word that came out of Emmeline Vance's mouth again.

"But I have Ohhhh double-you elllllllllls in three and a half weeks," Phoebe let out in a shrilly voice, clambering up the stairs behind Emmeline, who had her hand in a death grip.

"Yes, you've told me numerous times," she rang out over her shoulder, continuing up the winding staircase of the Ravenclaw girls' dormitory. Phoebe really had no idea what she'd been drinking in the library, just that Emmeline had said it would make studying easier...buuuuuuuuuuuuut all it had done was make her super dizzy and there were totally four of each word on the page of her potions text and ohhhmygosh.

Phoebe let out a loud sigh and lost track of what floor they were on. She was certain they'd passed the fifth years' dorm about five doors ago...but that would mean they were on the tenth floor...and there weren't ten floors...unless...

Emmeline pushed a door open and dragged her in, and Phoebe immediately recognized its occupants.

"JULIET!" she shrieked, yanking herself out of Emmeline's grasp to tackle the other girl in a hug.

"What on earth---"

"She's drunk."

"She's what?" Anneliese and Ellie's voices rang from the entrance of the bathroom, both staring at the odd sight of Phoebe and Juliet in a tight embrace. Or, well---Phoebe was clinging to Juliet and Juliet's eyes looked ready to start shooting out flares of fire.

Emmeline sat on the end of her bed, eyes not leaving the sight, "I told her she could only take one sip per half hour, to loosen her up---"

"You gave her alcohol!" Ellie let out, but her eyes were wide with amusement. Emmeline's hands went up.

"Those other potions don't do anything! She was about ready to have a nervous breakdown!" Emmeline shrugged, "I told her it was an energizing potion."

"How much of the 'potion' did you drink?" Anneliese asked, now helping Ellie pry Phoebe's arms off of Juliet. Once free, Juliet stormed off and whacked Emmeline in the side of the head, grabbing her bag and darting out of the room.

"JULIEEEEEEEEEET!" Phoebe let out tearfully, pouting greatly at the disappearance of the best hugger in all of Hogwarts. She let Ellie take her shoulders and face her, "Ellie! You've got a twinsie!"

"The whole thing," Emmeline eventually ended up responding for her, and the other two girls let out a groan as Phoebe launched herself at Ellie's 'twin' and planted herself on the floor.
18. Flustered

This was...awkward.

Phoebe sat with her toes grazing the ground, hands on her lap, and her eyes focused on her chipped nail polish. The bed squeaked at the slightest movement, and her heart rate accelerated with each sound.


Elphias must be finding this just as awkward. Well--Phoebe knew that he found most of life awkward, but he had become very--not awkward with her, especially when they were alone and with a decent place to snog.

That wasn't very awkward at all, no.

But this was--he'd messaged her at two in the morning, requested that she come to see him and---she'd snuck out of her house, apparated to the Leaky Cauldron and...they'd been sitting in this room, on the end of this bed, ever since. Neither of them knew what to say, and Phoebe was finding it more and more difficult to reason to herself as to why this had been a good idea.


From the corner of her eye she could see Elphias shifting, inching closer every few minutes or so. What would being closer do? She wanted answers, she wanted to know where they stood, and she definitely wanted something, anything that would keep her from regretting the punishment she was going to receive from her father when (if! IF! There was a good chance he would not find out!) she came home.

His hand crept along the covers of the bed, hesitating as it neared her leg because there was no hand to grab hold of. Phoebe could drop her hand to latch onto his, she could make the first move like she always seemed to, but she was seeing this crazy, snail-like effort from Elphias, and she really wanted to see where it went.


"Elphias," she sputtered, completely forgetting the thoughts about letting him take control. Phoebe turned to him and snatched up his hand in hers; apparently all the effort she needed from him was the quick sound of his voice. He looked tired and weary, and terrified and--oh, how she'd missed his face, no matter the etching of emotion that had changed it. "Elphias---"

"Iloveyou," he blurted, face darkening to a deep shade of red. Phoebe felt her heart brake to a halt and her lungs completely froze mid-breath and her eyes were as wide as a quaffle andhadhereallyjustsaidthat? "I'm sorry, I'm so sorry about everything but I neededtoseeyouandImissyou and----I love you, Phoebe, that's all I can say I can't really say anything else but I figured I should tell you that incase you didn't know but I do and that's why I getsostupidsometimes and---"

It was a very good thing there was a bed behind them, because tackling him to the floor would be counterproductive. Phoebe felt herself become revived again as she kissed Elphias, relishing in his arms wrapping around her waist and---and---

Yep, this was definitely worth the thousand year sentence to her room.
19. Bitchy


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