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cris • tee • nuh ([info]cristina_lacosa) wrote,
Before she tells you, Erin told me to write this. I didn't know that this was a tradition for some people, so I'll give her that, but the rest of it is all me.

I'm...approximately ten meters away from you. Which is strange, because I feel like I haven't seen you in years. It's only been a day, but the next time I see you, you're going to be in a big white dress and coming down an aisle to be my wife.

...see, it's strange.

It's a good strange, though, and I'm excited. More than excited, really, because I feel like throwing up---not in the bad way, but it's how I used to feel before stepping onto the pitch. You know what I mean. It's that feeling that I'm so bloody scared of messing up, but I know, deep down, that I'm going to do the best that I can, make sure my team knows that I'm there for them until the snitch is caught and---

Yeah, not that romantic, huh? Quidditch metaphors?

Anyway. I love you. I'm excited to be your husband. I'm excited about our little surprise, and everything's going to be fine.

These robes are itchy, I think Scott's going to wiggle out of his. So you are warned.

Love, Will

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