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cris • tee • nuh ([info]cristina_lacosa) wrote,
Her skirt was making it difficult to run, but that was okay; Phoebe was a natural multitasker. As she pulled her hair out of her bun and stripped off the ministry robes (grabbing for her keys that were in an inside pocket), she hopped as quickly as possibly up the pathway to her front door. He had to be here, right? He had to be, he had to be---ah!

She pushed the front door open as fast as she could, shutting it behind her with her foot---a second later her heels went flying across their living room and her stockings caused her to slide down the hallway. Phoebe heard some noise and she felt her heart begin to pound even faster, ooh, ooh---

Bursting into the bedroom, Phoebe spotted her husband, stripping down to the bare essentials at the foot of the bed. Bare essentials meaning nothing, and Phoebe wasted no time in doing the same. Elphias looked just as winded as she did, because his apparation point was two blocks further than hers and---

He'd grabbed onto her and nearly flung her down to the bed. Phoebe let out a 'ooh!' of a sound as she hit the mattress, but didn't have time to think as Elphias was now lying flush on top of her, kissing her neck and--ahh.

Merlin, they needed longer lunch breaks.

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