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emmsie ([info]crocketed) wrote,
a. Well. I didn't have a lot of characters that are not involved in the war, so I wanted one that was out of the loop lmao And then I was like oooh Quidditch! And then I loveedd Odette Yustman, so volia! xDDD Sort of boring lmao
b. She's rather resilient. xDDD As in, she has a really thick coat of amour, so not a lot bothers her as much anymore. She's very... strong willed lmaooo
c. She's sort of a bitch lmao Like psh, I don't really care about what you think, or about you in general sort of way
d. Um, right now she's sort of like... sort of hard but sort of not? I just don't think I've done enough with her yet to be sure xDD
e. LOL Definitely when she threatened West by sending over Nora xDDD
f. Mmm yeah. She's going to get busy soon, it's just Caradoc is taking up plotting time lmao

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