Dark Puck - Continued from Below... [My FF.net Account] [Ongoing Fic Post] [Wingless Archangel Studios]
April 30th, 2008
01:44 pm
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Continued from Below...

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Date:May 1st, 2008 07:22 am (UTC)
SWEET! Ok, you've won me over... I'll be checking in regularly to see when you update. ^_^ (Actually, I think I'm going to go look you up on ff.net cause it'll be easier to keep track of since I'm on there all the time)

Zuko slugging Umbridge earlier was made of win, but trying to murder her for hurting Teo (who I'm so glad Zuko has decided to place under his protection) was just plain AWESOME!!!

And I'm glad that Ty Lee has arrived. ^_^ Like I said at your other fic, I love the Haru/Ty Lee pairing (though I think she should sneak up ninja-like and shave off his mustache when he falls asleep) and look forward to seeing her in this fic.

XD lol at Haru wanting the Slytherins to meet Ty Lee and then actually having her show up so his wishes could come true. I get the feeling she's going to kick some butt pretty soon.

And the other person is right, Zuzu deserves/needs petting. The poor boy has so many issues and needs lots of love. Now you just need to bring Mai! She'll try to skewer him for a little while, but then forgive him and all will be well. ^_^

hm... I wonder if Ty Lee or Mai would have "magic" since they're nonbenders? Guess we'll see at the next update maybe.
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