Dark Puck - Magicbending Eight [My FF.net Account] [Ongoing Fic Post] [Wingless Archangel Studios]
May 15th, 2008
09:36 am
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Magicbending Eight

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Date:May 16th, 2008 08:49 am (UTC)
^_^ An adorable chapter there. The Christmas presents, the snowball fight, Teo bonding even more with Zuko... Ty Lee being her usual self. Very cute.

I look forward to her actively switching sides when they return to their world. Azula will flip. Maybe they can keep one wand for a quick "Avada Kedavra" and then destroy it? :D

Why'd she send Snape a present? Did I forget something from a previous chapter? Maybe he's slightly friendlier to her than the typical Gryffindor because she's not afraid to date one of his Slytherins? I honestly can't remember him being mentioned much in your fic.

[Error: Irreparable invalid markup ('<_<>') in entry. Owner must fix manually. Raw contents below.]

^_^ An adorable chapter there. The Christmas presents, the snowball fight, Teo bonding even more with Zuko... Ty Lee being her usual self. Very cute.

I look forward to her actively switching sides when they return to their world. Azula will flip. Maybe they can keep one wand for a quick "Avada Kedavra" and then destroy it? :D

Why'd she send Snape a present? Did I forget something from a previous chapter? Maybe he's slightly friendlier to her than the typical Gryffindor because she's not afraid to date one of his Slytherins? I honestly can't remember him being mentioned much in your fic.

<_< >_> Haru's going to be approached by DeathEaters, isn't he? It shouldn't have been so easy to cast one of the 3 Unforgivables... he's too sweet to be evil. Slightly devious, sure. He's a merchant's son. But evil? Nah.

lol... I never thought about the whole Toph/ice/shoes thing before. Sokka and Katara will NEVER be able to get her to visit their home village. But why can't Haru earthbend shoes like the Dai Li earthbend gloves?

If it's because he's trying to hide bending, he could always disguise an earthen sole and do like Toph did with her FN shoes. That would be warm and force him to constantly maintain one aspect of his bending. Should be great exercise (kind of like the Zuko/Umbridge heat thing)

Poor Teo. The kid is totally avoiding the problems that he'll face back home. Explaining that one to Ty Lee won't be fun. And poor depressed/worried Haru at the end of the chapter makes me sad. :C And I see that Zuko is still not making any progress towards getting out of his depressed/"I'm gonna die" mood despite Teo's attachment. WAKE UP BOY.

Great chapter. ^_^
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Date:May 16th, 2008 08:52 am (UTC)
::gasp:: It destroyed my 'shifty eyes' emoticon. Darn LJ and code. (so that's what the "invalid markup" was) No wonder my review looked so long. It got partially repeated.
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Date:May 16th, 2008 08:54 pm (UTC)
Nope, no wands. Haru wants neither the temptation nor the risk that Azula would get ahold of one.

And Haru is being influenced by his House, whether he likes it or not. It isn't so much that he's evil as it is going back to what the Sorting hat said: "You'll do anything to protect your friends."

Haru can't earthbend shoes because he doesn't quite have the control for that yet. Also, he kiiiiiiind of takes the Dai Li a little bit personally.

Teo isn't so much avoiding the reality as he is ignoring it. He knows he'll be back in his chair when they get back, so he'd rather enjoy his time walking rather than worry about what's going to happen after.
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