Dark Puck - Magicbending Update (*gasp, shock!*) [My FF.net Account] [Ongoing Fic Post] [Wingless Archangel Studios]
June 4th, 2008
09:32 pm
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Magicbending Update (*gasp, shock!*)

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Date:June 23rd, 2008 12:36 am (UTC)
Yeah, I figured he was still being sneaky about the bending... and hm... I still think that someone needs to clue the Weasley's in on Haru's reasons for lashing out. Even if Ty Lee is the one who has to do it. I doubt Zuko would because he's pretty closed off to most of the world... doesn't really care to share personal info. But it'd be bad if the Slytherins ever figure it out. :P They'd just try to use it against him.

I guess from that perspective Zuko's actions COULD be construed as wrong, but I still support his choices. Ozai was the one who messed up in how he handled the situation. Permanent disfigurement is not an appropriate punishment for a child who spoke out of concern for his people. Even if it meant he showed disrespect.

But yeah, you already covered that... Ozai crossed the line. Now if only the rest of the Fire Nation knew the truth Zuko would have their backing. Even the soldiers serving under Zuko during his exile didn't know the truth until Iroh filled them in.

Wheeeeeeee! Continuous fics! :P Good, cause I'd hate for there to be no updates of this story forever. ^_^
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Date:June 23rd, 2008 12:40 am (UTC)
Honestly, if I thought I could work that kind of game, one of the Slytherins WOULD figure out Haru's underlying Issues and try to play him. But that leads to Xanatos roulettes and before you know it people are dying of heart attacks while someone goes "Just as planned."

Oh, I support Zuko's choice as well. Ty Lee's interpretation of the wrongness is partly cultural, I believe. And she did admit that Ozai went overboard in dealing with the 'disrespect'.
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Date:June 23rd, 2008 02:17 am (UTC)
I understand. Those things get tricky so they're often best avoided... ^_^ I'll never quite grasp some of their cultural issues because mine is just so different... and in a lot of ways the Fire Nation seems to be the more forward-thinking nation. They let women in their army. And they have no problems with their princess leading military matters... yet they still have SO many problems. ::sigh:: It's messed up.

Anyways, that has nothing to do with this chapter so go write some more! ;D
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