Dark Puck - The Care and Keeping of Firebenders [My FF.net Account] [Ongoing Fic Post] [Wingless Archangel Studios]
January 31st, 2010
06:06 pm
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The Care and Keeping of Firebenders
Title: The Care and Keeping of Firebenders
Fandom: Avatar: the Last Airbender (slave'verse AU)
Character: Hyo
Rating: G
Summary: Hyo muses on the problem of Ichiro.

The firebender was not happy in Ba Sing Se.

Hyo knew he wasn't the only one who had noticed, but sometimes he wondered if he was the only one who cared. Bae certainly didn't, and if he continued to bait the boy, Hyo would need to have words with him.

The twins were kept busy, Kouji with learning proper earthbending and Yui with learning from Lanh. A smile pulled at the corner of Hyo's mouth. Perhaps he ought to have her education directed elsewhere. It was all well and good that Yui's talents made her a perfect spy, but Lanh had no concept of self-control. Perhaps Kyung would be better for her -- the girl had a fine voice and an interest in opera. Acting would be a worthwhile skill.

The problem was Ichiro.

From what he'd learned from Liu's debriefings, the boy was a farmer, used to space and to forest, neither of which existed in Ba Sing Se. He hated the city, he felt caged. Too, Yui and Kouji were kept so busy he barely saw them, which was likely another blow -- he'd left their hometown for his siblings.

Bae's baiting likely didn't help. Ichiro had a remarkable control over his temper to endure as long as he had, but the boy was sixteen. It wouldn't last.

Hyo rattled his fingers against his desk, stilling them as a thought occured to him. It likely would be best for the Dai Li if the children were kept together. The novelty would soon wear off for the twins, after all, and they would want their brother again. But there were few Dai Li who could handle the trio.

And he had space in his home.

The Commander of the Dai Li smiled. Kouji wasn't the only one who could benefit from real training, after all. It would be a waste to focus only on the young ones and ignore the elder boy, especially when he was the reason they'd gotten Liu back at all.

Long Feng would see it his way, he was sure, and Mi-Cha would probably like having children close to her age around. Yes, he would keep the Fire trio.

And he would speak to Liu about Bae. That would stop.

Current Location: my bed
Current Mood: calm
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Date:February 9th, 2010 06:26 pm (UTC)
I like this snippet- but I'm not really getting a feel of the siblings being slaves per se. Under close and thorough watch yes- slavery not so much.

Am very intrigued about the whole "...gotten Liu back at all." reference though I have no idea to what Hyo is thinking about. Is this part of an already existant universe, or is this something new you're working with?
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Date:February 9th, 2010 07:16 pm (UTC)
*grins* It's part of an existing universe. The siblings were never the slaves -- Liu was. This takes place after he escapes with the twins. The previous bits deal with Liu/Ichio UST and can be found here and here.
Date:February 11th, 2010 10:40 am (UTC)
have read the links
...dude! Much hotness! Also now I can appreciate this snippet in its proper context. Thank you :)
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