Dark Puck [My FF.net Account] [Ongoing Fic Post] [Wingless Archangel Studios] Below are the 1 most recent journal entries recorded in the "Dark Puck" journal:
October 23rd, 2009
10:40 pm
[User Picture]


Fanfic: Quartz
Title: Quartz
Fandom: Avatar: The Last Airbender
Rating: G/K
Summary: Long Feng and Hyo discuss Mi-Cha's earthbending.
Notes: I think this is the shortest thing I've ever written.

"You requested the results of Mi-Cha's examination."

Long Feng looked up at his second-in-command and raised an eyebrow. "I did."

Hyo stood at attention as he always did when reporting to the director. His face was calm, his voice neutral. "He wasn't optimistic, sir. She won't have very much power." He leaned forward and laid a piece of quartz on Long Feng's desk. It was perfectly spherical, swirled green and gold.

Long Feng smiled.

Current Location: my opa's desk
Current Mood: sick
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