Dark Puck [My FF.net Account] [Ongoing Fic Post] [Wingless Archangel Studios] Below are the 3 most recent journal entries recorded in the "Dark Puck" journal:
August 15th, 2009
11:55 pm
[User Picture]


Time Dance III
Title: Time Dance
Authors: Dark Puck and LexKixAss
Fandom: Sailor Moon (with hints of The Dresden Files)
Rating: PG-13 to be safe
Genre: Mahou Shoujo/Romance
Summary: As he lives out the life of a normal human, Saffir, now Orimoto Satoshi, encounters Aino Minako, Sailor Venus.  If he isn't careful, she'll figure out who he is and kill him -- and yet he is drawn to her, and her to him...  (Backstory for Time Warp)

Youma Attack! )

Current Location: my bed
Current Mood: calm
Current Music: Heavyweights
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11:49 pm
[User Picture]


Time Dance II
Title: Time Dance
Authors: Dark Puck and LexKixAss
Fandom: Sailor Moon (with hints of The Dresden Files)
Rating: PG-13 to be safe
Genre: Mahou Shoujo/Romance
Summary: As he lives out the life of a normal human, Saffir, now Orimoto Satoshi, encounters Aino Minako, Sailor Venus.  If he isn't careful, she'll figure out who he is and kill him -- and yet he is drawn to her, and her to him...  (Backstory for Time Warp)

In Which Minako Has Issues With Math )

Current Location: my bed
Current Music: Heavyweights
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August 14th, 2009
09:21 pm
[User Picture]


Title: Time Dance
Authors: Dark Puck and LexKixAss
Fandom: Sailor Moon (with hints of The Dresden Files)
Rating: PG-13 to be safe
Genre: Mahou Shoujo/Romance
Summary: As he lives out the life of a normal human, Saffir, now Orimoto Satoshi, encounters Aino Minako, Sailor Venus.  If he isn't careful, she'll figure out who he is and kill him -- and yet he is drawn to her, and her to him...  (Backstory for Time Warp)

He still hadn't managed to regain all his powers )

Current Location: my desk
Current Mood: cheerful
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