Speaker For The Diodes - May 7th, 2008

May. 7th, 2008

05:33 am - QotD

"Does anyone imagine that this incident [ Microsoft terminating support for MSN Music store DRM] makes the public sympathetic to the music industry's DRM demands? In a stroke, the music industry has taught another few million users that DRM means 'Do Rip Me Off,' because these customers are not getting what they paid for AND, in no small part because of the music industry's insane demands, are losing another legal source of music. This is a base of people who have demonstrated that they prefer to buy legally licensed music and abide by DRM than illegally download music for free. And their reward? They get ripped off and treated like garbage." -- [info] osewalrus, 2008-04-30

"I can't tell you how many CDs and DVDs that I have bought over the years that were lost to a molten-hot car interior or scratched beyond repair. Digital content should be more secure from loss, since it can be saved to several different places if need be. Yet DRM proponents seem intent on making it easier to lose the content, to the benefit of everyone but the consumer." -- Dave Methvin, 2008-04-23

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04:49 pm - I'm alive. Have a meme.

I know I've been quiet lately. The weekend (gig in WV then back to MD to shoot the wedding of two friends) took a lot out of me. I'm still alive. Here, have a meme ...

That "*OLOGY" meme that I have seen various friends do -- not sure whether any of the answers will be considered surprising or not )

Also: here, go have some retrocomputing fun.

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