Speaker For The Diodes - August 5th, 2011

Aug. 5th, 2011

01:29 am - Not There Yet

Well, the good news is that I'll save $40 at troll ...

(The corresponding bad news, of course, being that I'm not at Pennsic yet. The weekend I'd planned to spend preparing got shot by fibromyalgia, as did Monday. I think I'm Just About Ready now, assuming the instruments still fit in the van, so depending on how sleepy I feel once that last few things are loaded, I'll either head out in the next couple of hours and arrive a little after sunup, or crash for a bit and leave ten-ish or noon and arrive in the afternoon/evening ... ideally with enough daylight left to finish setting up before I need a flashlight. Assuming my body doesn't throw me another curve ball.)

I'd planned to post a longer entry about how I've actually been doing over the last couple months, but I'll try to get to that when I return. The gist is: not miserable, but rather frustrated by fibromyalgia-related inability to do stuff.

I guess this is as good a spot as any for my annual realization: I hate getting ready for Pennsic. I love being at Pennsic, but I hate getting ready for it. Fortunately, the onerous part is nearly finished, and soon it'll just be the driving left, so I can get down to enjoying Pennsic. I've already missed a couple of classes I'd wanted to get to (including the one on secular Iberian music). Argh.

I need a better way to back up my computer (the task that ate a good chunk of yesterday). I know of much better ways, but I can't afford them yet.

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05:24 am - QotD

Bill Moyers: "You've studied history enough to know what works for the individual in a small realm of relationship isn't a rule that the nation state can live by is it? "

Thomas Cahill: "I don't think that real civilization ever occurs because of anything that a nation state does. It occurs because of movements within the nation state that are led by sometimes one individual or a series of individuals. Desmond Tutu is an excellent example of that."

-- from the the PBS television program Bill Moyers Journal, aired 2007-11-09

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