Speaker For The Diodes - July 3rd, 2013

Jul. 3rd, 2013

05:24 am - QotD

"If anyone ever tells you that there's something wrong with you enjoying feminine things, regardless of gender, I encourage you to crush them under your favorite pair of heels while giggling with girlish delight.

"#Feminine is not weak or bad or wrong in any way. #Wear lipstick in the shade of their blood so you can rip their throat out with your teeth and worry less about smearing."

-- lalondethelearned, not sure what site, not sure what date (the only copy I've seen so far is a PNG screencap of a page that looks Twitter-ish but I couldn't find the original on Twitter or Tumblr or anywhere else Google-able -- if anyone has a link to the original, please let me know). Thanks to Sara Stewart for sharing this on Facebook in a way that I'd see it.

[Note that FB is not a reliable way to reach me. If something generates a notification, I'll probably see it eventually, but if not then I might not even look at FB until the status/note/whatever has scrolled off into oblivion. So it works for things like this, but not for anything important or time-sensitive.]

Hmm. I have been thinking about switching to a bolder shade of lipstick ...

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