Speaker For The Diodes - July 4th, 2013

Jul. 4th, 2013

05:24 am - QotD

"An American invents as the Italian paints and the Greeks sculpted." -- a foreign visitor to the Philadelphia Centennial Exposition of 1876 ( thanks to [info] pockethedgehog for quoting it where I managed to see it)

[Smacks a little of exceptionalism? Maybe. Overlooks the many important inventors who weren't/aren't American? Fer shure. But c'mon, it's our national holiday -- if I should get any slack for such things, it'd be today, right? Happy Independence Day to all my countrymen, native, naturalized, or still working on it -- and to everyone else just celebrating along with us!]

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10:02 pm - The Light Show

Watching fireflies while listening to distant fireworks, and being amused when they happen to be in sync.

(I remember watching the city's fireworks display -- or the highest bits of it anyhow -- from the top of the driveway when I was a child. The trees between here and there are decades taller now, so only a bit of reflection off the sky from a big cluster of those big-white-flash ones going off together can be seen from Mom's driveway.

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