The Lame Game

fun for a whole family!

Journal Info



September 12th, 2009

An uneventful but reflective day

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I had a generally good day today.  A day which, in retrospect, makes me thankful I'm not one of certain kinds of people:

1. I'm the kind of person that can sit and read.  Sure, we all get distracted but, thankfully, I still retain the ability to read an eight of a textbook in one sitting.
2. I'm not the kind of person that views food solely as sustenance and not as a pleasure.  Growing up with food-world parents I gained a respect for food that I've kept to this day.  For supper, my roommate made a big meal of corn, bacon, and beans that I relished - not just consumed.
3. I'm not the kind of person that calls a person who aims more carefully in Gunz a hacker.  I killed one guy three times in a row so he called and tried to pass a vote to kick me.  Geeze.
4. I've never been paralyzed with emotion - and I've been in some quite emotional states.  I've had my moments where I've had to wrestle with my own emotions and keep them under control but I've never been paralyzed or put into an unreachable state.
5. I'm more likely to reserve judgement rather than to judge impulsively. 
6. I'm somewhat self-absorbed but, unlike far too many of the self-absorbed, I know it.  The clue's in every part of this list starting with a capital "I."

I also learned I can do 6 full push-ups before collapsing into a pile of indolent university student.
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