The Lame Game

fun for a whole family!

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September 18th, 2009


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So today, in the middle of my Roman Culture class, my prof says "and you'll all know about that from your readings."  Normally this wouldn't be very significant but today, on this fateful day, it was notable because it wasn't true.  We're two weeks into classes and I couldn't quite recall the section he was referring to from today's reading.  Then again, once I thought about it, most of what we've had lectures on hadn't been covered in the readings.  I had always thought this was because the readings were more supplementary rather than preparatory but this was a direct reference to something I hadn't read.  After class I hurried home to check the reading list and found everything in order except that... I'd been reading from the wrong book.  Two hours a night, nearly every night, for weeks.

Forgive my sparse blog but I really do have reading to do.

P.S. TGI Friday
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