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discounthats ([info]discounthats) wrote,
@ 2012-04-18 15:25:00

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China experienced twice important time tide
 Though price biggest, planned economy 30 years, China changes into industrial system and citizen's system more complete industrial country from an agriculture country that pretty much falls behind.GDP in 1977 is 4.74 times of 1952, people's living standard gets biggest an improvement, the person in 1977 all GDP is 2.86 times that of 25 year agos.But see from the development wave tide of world economy, two post-war international situations incline to mitigation, is exactly the time window way that the economy develops extremely good, is led by Japan of other East Asia nations since 50's in 20th century economic take-off, keep on several decades of high-speed growth, create'miracle in East Asia'.After, two wars Japanese used 7 years, the economic level resumes the antebellum tallest level.Used for 25 years, ascend a world the throne of second economic giant, same China rebuilding on the ruins far and far jilt at cheap new era hats after death.(see figure 13)China but visit Be left to an international edge, develop with economy in the world mutually become disjointed, particularly BE'great leap forward'and'Cultural Revolution'make China blunder away time and time again the precious economy develop opportunity to the breakage of economic development.China not only don't carry out'the super English rush through beautiful'of dream, chase the road of flourishing nation to on the contrary become more faraway.
  Reforming for liberal 30 years is 30 years that the nation relaxs control, government power to gradually withdraw for 30 years of market.Chinese economy of the Cultural Revolution empress has already been placed in the edge of breakup, the national public finance owes lots of debts, and the people live to be placed in poor level.The reform opens, is the system change that the public finance pressure arouses in the certain degree.On December 18-22, 1978, 11 three medium the plenary meeting convene in Peking, the meeting brought the economic development of China a great turn this time, from'take class struggle as a key link'turn to'take economic development Buy Los Angeles Lakers hats as center'of in the orbit, practice to inside reform and outward open of economic policy.
  The reform opens for 30 years, China experienced twice important time tide to expect.Take place at 1980's end, the beginning of 90's for the first time.At that time, Eastern Europe upheaval, Soviets disintegration, the local economy reform met a difficulty, and broke out a student exercise, reform opened face completely return to tide.Deng Xiaoping's south cruised to talk to establish to continue to push forward to reform liberal keynote and became in 20th century important affairs of deciding Chinese destiny.Convene later on of medium total 14 big, make sure the economic system of our country reforms of the target is to build up a socialism market economy system.The reform in China opens business in facing a graveness choice of being pulled again correct orbit.

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