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discounthats ([info]discounthats) wrote,
@ 2012-04-19 10:09:00

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The monetary policy is relaxed to expect
 More important BE, China will be more relaxed in the coming year of monetary policy, this will also provide obvious power for economy development.Last year November 30, the Chinese central bank bottom adjusts to deposit reserve to lead 50 radicles to order, the writer thinks, this point of departure that will become the monetary policy in future to relax further.China central bank will at the coming quarter many inside the degree under adjust to deposit reserve rate with promise economy soft land.
Descending of inflation to a large extent also supports relaxing of monetary policy.The inflation rate of China will soon fall into below 4% zone.This also asks the monetary policy of central bank to have certain prospect, will soon promise that the growth promotes to get to more important position up.Oakland Athletics Adjustable In addition, the nations greatly believe in the fall of merchandise price and also is advantageous to further lowering of the local inflation.Seeing from the classification index number of shopper's manager's index number, buy into price and at the beginning of the year compare have already appeared a significant fall, mean an importation type that inflation pressure already basic disappear.
At under the circumstance like this, the writer thinks, to 2012 the middle of the years, the excesssive pessimism of country economy isn't commendable.Meanwhile, China still faces a border to really take interest rate, therefore reduce the possibility of interest not and greatly.From savings reserve rate adjust of opportune moment to see, because of the first quarter of this year degree expiring of Financing Bills measure smallest, therefore the central bank lowers the possibility of depositing the reserve rate will more big, future of further adjust need to investigate the variety of economy and currency supply.
The external factor was wellbad so much
Seeing from external factor, then need to consider Europe and America economy.Although the risk factor of Europe has been already eased, this embodiment starts to be more thorough ground of to the mobility implementation bailout of the finance and the public finance system in the European Central Bank.The European Central Bank provides being up to of unprecedented in history for the euro area commercial bank be close to EUR 500,000,000,000 of the low interest expect a loan for three years.But the quarterly degree obligation expires quantity a little bit greatly, the margin risk still saves.But if the European Central Bank can continue to purchase euro area national obligation, Italy and Spanish national debt's breaking contract risk still can control.At the same time, mobility conditions of global market polarized sunglasses will appear a great area improvement, this will also contribute to the performance of stock market.
Meanwhile, at few years weak after, the performance of American economy also worther market expect.Is beautiful allied keep'distort an operation'have already made long-term national debt interest lower, also mean that the arbitrage bargain will acquire longer time window way, the property price of emerging economies may therefore acquire support as well.More important BE, hold American company of a great deal of cash may be looking for more investment opportunities at home and abroad after the economic prospect gradually improve as well, this will also make have already started descending a jobless rate to keep on an improvement.Though American economy still will face to advance the risk that the public finance tightens, from whole come to see, its structure the adjustment have already completed important square one.

see more:The Di does obeisance a city planning to change

American officialdom of so respond

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