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dolemecknight ([info]dolemecknight) wrote,
"Oh man, it's the sissy in the sailor suit!" One of the bullies grinned as they looked down at Argo and Dolemeck from the Castle Fort.

"Awwww... the wittle baby wants his kitty back!" Another cackled. "Maybe we should execute the kitty for these two trespassing on our turf!"

"Yeah, off with his head!" Said another bully. They were all laughing now.

Dolemeck was in a panic now. They were going to hurt Mr. Beanie! He pointed a finger up at the bullies and tried to to cry as he yelled at them.

"You give back Mister Beanie you... you naves!" He shouted. "Or else Argo will bring you to justice! He's the biggest kid I know, and the bravest! Nothing scares him!"

"The kid in the toga? What's he going to do? Recite a play?" The bullies once again laughed. One dangled Mr. Beanie from his makeshift noose, then started to drag him back up into the castle fort. "C'mon! Let's execute the kitty! The little sissy can't take a hint!"

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