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So many muses, so little space ([info]socrowdedinhere) wrote in [info]dragondancer515,
Kage: *gives him a smile, the glow of his green eyes soft*
Zero: *smiles, studying them a moment* It's vey clear how much you two love each other.
Voice: *coming from behind Kage and approaching* A /cave/, Subzero? You had to hole up in a fragging /cave/? *another robot stepa from the darkness, taller than Zero, broad wings blocking the way out. Those white wings quivering in agitaion. His shoulders are a bit hunched as a dark face scowls around at the cave walls.* It's a good thing Thundercracker didn't come planetside. *pauses when he sees Kage and the two microbots in his hands* Who are you?
Kage: *had shifted away from the opening at the voice, and looks just as stunned to see the new robot as the robot is to see him and the two mini Braves.*
Zero: Friends. Starscream, this is Kagerou, Shadowmaru, and Deckard.

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