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So many muses, so little space ([info]socrowdedinhere) wrote in [info]dragondancer515,
Stars: A pleasure. *hard to tell if he means it ot not. To Zero* I thought we agreed to not be seen by the locals?
Zero: And we haven't been. I found him and put him back together, and these two are in hiding. *points to those he's speaking about.*
Stars: *eyes them again.* I see. I'd say "welcome", but a cave /isn't/ a welcoming place. *gives Zero a glare.*
Zero: *shrugs* Sorry, Stars, it's what I could find.
Stars: It's /underground/.
Zero: *yes, yes, he knows* Did you find him?
Stars: *wings...droop just a little.* ...No. Either he's been found, was destroyed completely, or is buried in so much ice I'll not be able to reach him. *changing subjects now, he doesn't like talking about his failures.* So...are you three leaving with us, then?

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