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So many muses, so little space ([info]socrowdedinhere) wrote in [info]dragondancer515,
Song: *and she’ll warn him if something she’s about to do will possibly hurt. Half the time it doesn’t, and the other half it does, but is over as quickly as she can manage. She’s quick and efficient with her work, and does a quality job. She’s actually rather good with...um...taking a mech apart with as little pain as possible. She never once brings up putting him out, just does what she can to ease his pain and does what she needs to. Like TC, even the old stuff will be repaired when she’s finally done with him* *she’ll wipe Warp’s fluids from her hands and leave Storm to help clean him up as she moves over to start on Stars*
Wing: *has started repairs, but again, he’s no medic. He’s at least able to dampen the pain receptors and thus allow Stars to relax a bit more.*
Song: ...Slag. All of this damage... how’d you ever manage to become champions?

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