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So many muses, so little space ([info]socrowdedinhere) wrote in [info]dragondancer515,
((NO! *snerks* More like just feeling for it. He'll deny forever that he's actually wanting their thoughts on this. XD He's only trying to get an idea of their mindset because it means trusting yet another mech, and Stars is paranoid (for good reason). So yes, technically he wants their opinion, but if you present it like that he'll punch you in the face for it. Isn't he friendly? XD;;))

Stars: *will shift to his feet so he can (loom) be standing when he speaks* All right. We’ll see this mech you’ve mentioned. But know this, if you, or /he/ betrays us, I do not care /what/ you’ve done for us so far, I /will/ kill you.
Wing: *completely unfazed, despite being loomed over by a likely-for-the-first-time-fully-repaired gladiatorial champion.* That won’t be a problem, Starscream. I’ll give him a call, see if he’s in today.

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