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So many muses, so little space ([info]socrowdedinhere) wrote in [info]dragondancer515,
Zero: *will lead them in to a large sitting area, and will personally serve them a cube from a dispenser.* Please don’t take this wrong, but I think I know why you’re here. You want your freedom...?
Stars: *scowls, but then /smiles/, putting on the charm* What makes you say that?
Zero: You’re the Seekers so well known in the arenas, aren’t you?
Stars: ....The same. *he gives a deep, mock-bow* So good to be known. *he’s /this/ close to retreating with his trine before this fragger can betray them*
Zero: *nods* Thought so. I’ll have to look at each of your datafiles to know for sure if I can do anything for you, but if I can, I will.
Stars: And what will that aid cost us?
Zero: I don’t charge slaves for my work.

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