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dragondancer515 ([info]dragondancer515) wrote,
@ 2014-02-11 08:10:00

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*One moment they're testing their boundaries, the next they'll turn to see a woman sitting in a throne-like chair. She's just watching them with an amused and interested smile.*

GM: *spots her first*  Who the hell are you?

*The rest turn then as well – what is this place, did she do this, what does she want, are they some kind of prisoners?*

Woman: *she's...not human, though she looks similar. There's something off, though, that makes her seem like something other than human* I am someone who can offer you a second chance at life.

Deckard: .........we were never "alive" to begin with... *he's pretty sure this is all some kind of power surge or other electronic glitch*

Woman: *shrugs* If you wish to believe that, then I'll put it this way, I can offer you a chance to live.

Duke:  Who /are/ you?

PJ:  Scratch that - /what/ are you?

SM: And what are you after from us? *subtly standing in front of his brother, consciously or subconsciously trying to protect him*

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2014-02-11 02:38 pm UTC (link)
Woman: *looking at her nails...they're more like claws* I am what many might call a demi-god. I can let you live, but I have limits and so you have a choice to make. You can live again, but you will be....biological, and closer in appearance to your actual ages. In other words, you will be as human children. *soreads her hands* Questions? *inviting them to ask*

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2014-02-11 02:55 pm UTC (link)
*They have – and ask - /several/ questions, though they mainly focus on who she is, why she's doing this, what she wants from them…*

((sorry, brian won't cooperate for specific dialog right now))

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2014-02-11 03:24 pm UTC (link)
Woman: *Her name is Kadlin, she is doing this because she was intrigued by them and the project that created them, and is...displeased with how they were executed for a mistake merely because too few believed they were living beings. She cannot send them back to the world they knew, but there is another, rich with life, and she can send them there. They will be children, and will live and die as any other person. She want nothing of them, really, she just...wants more time to observe them, if they wish to accept the offer. They are already dead, if they wish to remain so she will release their spirits and they will be no more, or she can give them new life. Up to them, no rush, she'll wait while they discuss things*

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2014-02-11 03:30 pm UTC (link)
*They'll discuss, and question more – what about Kage, how does he figure into things? – and they'll…f-finally come to a consensus. They're not crazy about the idea of living as fragile humans – and /kids/ at that! – but . . . none of them wants to die either . . . so . . . *

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2014-02-11 03:47 pm UTC (link)
Kadlin: I have been holding onto his spirit until the day came when he might have the option of joining all of you again.
Kage: *looks around at everyone...he wants to live too...*
Kadlin: *when they decide* I am glad you chose life. It will be different, even dificult, especially compared to what you knew, but I hope you can find enjoyment in your new lives, all of you deserve it. *she stands and motions for one of them to step close.*

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2014-02-11 03:53 pm UTC (link)
*They want to believe that, though they're…not sure they do. Deckard will be the one to step forward, taking responsibility for his team, whatever it is she's about to do*

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2014-02-11 04:01 pm UTC (link)
Kadlin: *his size...whether she grew or they shrank no one will be sure. She reaches up to touch his face, thumb pressing softly to his forehead. He'll feel unconsciousness take him. She doesn't move, and she doesn't multiply, not really, and yet she's before each other them with the same tender touch and her thumb to their forehead before they lose consciousness, all before they can even register that Deckard vanished*
*Deckard will wake first, two other little boys with him. One is Power Joe, the other is Kage (and yes, he'll know who is who). Kage is...a bird boy, a crow with taloned feet, but a human-like face (no beak). His skin is pale, while his feathers are a sleek black*

((And you get to decide what the rest of the gang turn out to be =3))

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2014-02-11 04:50 pm UTC (link)
*Deckard sits up, looking around at the forest he's found himself in, then climbs to his feet, his mind going first to his team. He'll check on Kage, marveling at the new body, then PJ who seems to be . . . a cheetah boy? What's /he/? He looks down at very normal, human-looking hands and a body dressed in a simple shirt and pants, sandals on his feet. He runs his hands over his face and hair and finds . . . very /long/, pointed ears. O-okay, he's not quite human himself either.*
Deckard: *shaking PJ's shoulder* Power Joe, wak- *flinches at the sound of his own voice – it's thin and pitched with youth, not at all the deeper voice he's so used to . . . he shakes his head, dismissing the thought* Power Joe, wake up. Kagerou… *reaches over to nudge at the bird boy*
PJ: *groans and shifts, eyes opening . . . and going /wide/* Uh…Deckard!?
Deckard: Yeah . . . it's me. Come on. We have to find the others. *will help him to his feet*
PJ: *is helped up, but then is distracted with checking out his new body – TAIL!? He has a tail…*

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2014-02-11 04:56 pm UTC (link)
Kage: *stirs at the nudge. He sits up, quietly looking around and checking out his new body, giving his wings a little flapflap, feeling his feathers* Where's Shadowmaru? *heard the others, isn't quite so surprised by his own voice.*

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2014-02-11 05:22 pm UTC (link)
Deckard: *offers his hand to pull Kage to his feet* I don't know, but we'll find him. And the others. They can't be far.

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2014-02-11 05:25 pm UTC (link)
Kage: *looks up at Deckard, studying him a moment before accepting the hand up*
*They'll hear voices not too far off...adult voices, but voices nonetheless*

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2014-02-11 05:44 pm UTC (link)
Deckard: *had been too focused on "leader, look out for everyone" to really have had everything with Kage sink in, but the ninja…bird studying him like that makes him pause . . . he nods, quietly* We'll talk later. *not a threat at all, just an acknowledgment that…a conversation is due, there are things /he/ wants to say and he's sure Kage does too – turns at the sound of voices . . . looks around, listening for any sounds of other movement that might be the rest of his team . . . calling for them first will almost surely attract the adults' attention /anyway/ so might as well go talk to them first* This way. Let's go ask where we are. *will start heading for the voices*

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2014-02-11 06:14 pm UTC (link)
Kage: *just nods, shifting to follow Deckard easily.*
*Two men are working together to gut and skin a large wild pig, chatting and laughing as they work.*

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2014-02-11 06:27 pm UTC (link)
PJ: *eyeing Kage, but he heard what Deckard said and keeps his peace for now and follows*
Deckard: *leads the way up to within polite talking distance of the two men* Excuse me, sirs. I'm sorry to interrupt, but can you tell us where we are?

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2014-02-11 06:31 pm UTC (link)
*both men stop and kind of gape at him a moment*
Man1: It'd be in your best interest to get lost, boy.
Man2: *puts down what was in his hands and picks up a rag to wipe the blood from his hands* Now don't be like that. *steps around closer withoit getting tok close* C'mere, boy. What are you doing out here?

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2014-02-11 06:57 pm UTC (link)
Deckard: *hesitates at the gaping, did he say something wrong? . . . braces, suddenly wary at the comments, does /not/ approach, stands his ground* Deckard. Pleased to meet you. *a mild correction, his name is not "boy"…inclines his head in a bit of a bow, then straightens, watching them both* A little lost, I'm afraid. My tea-…my companions and I are looking for a few people, and then we'll need to find the nearest town. Have either of you seen any others out here in the last little while?
PJ: *didn't know what hackles were before three seconds ago, but now he can feel them /raise/…and he knows what it means – this isn't good…*

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2014-02-11 07:01 pm UTC (link)
Man2: Can't say that I have. We'll be heading back to town here soon. We'll make sure you get there safe. *motions for Deckard to come closer again* We'll help look for the rest of your friends before we go. How many are you looking for? What do they look like?

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2014-02-11 08:11 pm UTC (link)
Deckard: *steps closer* Thank you. We appreciate it. There's another…six of us. I'm sorry, though. I'm afraid I don't know what they look like yet. I just know that I'll know them when I see them. They should be more kids like us, though.
PJ: *grunts, arms crossed* Which is so not cool. The whole being /kids/ thing.

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2014-02-11 08:17 pm UTC (link)
Man2: *reaches for Deckard, lightly gripping his shoulder and drawing him closer.* You have friends out here, but you don't know what they look like? *when he gets Deckard closer he'll take him by the hand...but the grip is too tight. It's not the grip of someone leading another, but of making sure he doesn't get away. And his tone at the last question was devoid of the friendly tone he'd had up until then. Deckard, and PJ and Kage, will get the distinct impression that they just walked into a trap*
Kage: Deckard! *trying to warn him before the man can catch him, but it's too late, Deckard's hand is caught*

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2014-02-11 08:23 pm UTC (link)
Deckard: *soft huff, not quite catching the tone initially because he'd already been anticipating how to explain that* It's hard to explain but-!? Ow! What are you…Let /go/ of me. */tugs/ on his hand*
PJ: */growls/* Hey, what are you up to!?

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2014-02-11 08:32 pm UTC (link)
Man1: *has gotten up and is heading towards PJ and Kage*
Man2: *without warning and backhands Deckard hard enough to knock him to his knees...well, except his hand is caught in the man's hand* That's enough talking out of you. It's time you learned your place.
Kage: *growls and glances at PJ, and nods for him to go for Deckard, h-he hopes PJ gets it and will trust him enough to do it. He'll not wait tonsee if PJ does, just leaps to put himself between PJ and man1 son pJ can go for Deckard and man2*

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2014-02-11 08:47 pm UTC (link)
PJ: *is a trained fighter used to working with others as a team – he doesn’t even think about it, just nods and /lunges/ for Man2*
Deckard: */reels/ from the blow…but then training takes over and he starts to /fight/ back in earnest! – he's small, but he's strong for his age, and he knows what he's doing*

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2014-02-11 09:26 pm UTC (link)
Man2: *tries to hit Kage, but will miss, and just kind of end spinning as he tries to get hold of the quick little amin...that is until Kage knocks him on his ass*
Man1: Hey! *raises a hand to hit Deckard again, oblivious to PJ coming at him*

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2014-02-11 09:38 pm UTC (link)
PJ: */plows/ into the man just then, bouncing just past and skidding to turn on the ball of one foot to come at him at an angle that will help ensure he goes down the way Deckard's already wrestling him, has to pull back claws at last minute to keep from /ripping/ into the man too deeply, doesn't want to accidently kill the human*
Deckard: *attempts to wrench his hand free, bucking back in another direction*

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2014-02-11 09:42 pm UTC (link)
Man2: *yelps as PJ plows into him, and goes down. Deckard will manage to get his hand free*
Kage: *gave man1 a good kick to the head, knocking him out. He comes bounding for man2 and will basically kind of leapfrog over him, pushing his head back against the ground hard enough to stun him* Go!

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2014-02-11 09:53 pm UTC (link)
PJ: Gone!*snags Deckard's now badly bruised hand and /takes/ off*
Deckard: */easily/ goes with, though he quickly finds he can't keep up with PJ's new cheetah legs*
*Another blue-haired, long-eared boy waves them down, a younger red-headed Human by his side. They'll recognize McC and DB*
McC: *saw the whole thing, also wondering at the mens' actions…but later* Deckard! Guys!
PJ: McCrane! *shifts directions to head that way*

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2014-02-11 09:55 pm UTC (link)
Kage: *easily shifts to join them* We should put some distance between us and them. *antsy, aants to find his brother*

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2014-02-11 10:29 pm UTC (link)
McC: *nods, falling easily into step, DB on his heels, as the three catch up and continue on* Planning on it. *the group will run for a while, also keeping eyes/ears alert for signs of the others, or of pursuit*

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2014-02-11 10:34 pm UTC (link)
*they'll find themselves tired and winded after a while. They just...just /can't/ anymore. They stop and rest, panting hard, sweating. And DB will spot him first. A massive wolfman looks down on them from a rise nearby. His face marred by a scar, he almost seems to be scowling at them as he studies these children he's found*

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2014-02-11 10:48 pm UTC (link)
DB: */gasps/ and falls back, pawing at McC for attention, his voice a harsh whisper* M-mcCrane! Deckard! *points*
PJ: *looks, eyes going /wide/* Shit…thing's /huge/.
Deckard: *they're /exhausted/…but they've pushed through worse, especially when their lives depend on it – determined as he shifts to put himself between the monster and his team, hissing and pushing at them* Go, /move/! *positioned to defend his team if the monster decides to attack*
McC: *pressing DB behind him, PJ at his shoulder, hiss/whispers back* Deckard, you can't take that thing on by yourself. Not like this.
DB: *shifting out from behind McC, glaring up at the monster* Hey, I can fight too, remember!

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2014-02-11 11:36 pm UTC (link)
Kage: *right by them, ready to fight*
Wolfman: *raises his hands, voice soft* Don't be afraid, I won't harm you. My name is Terris. Will you tell me your names? *that's already a change from their last encounter. The men didn't seem to care that they had names.*

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2014-02-11 11:43 pm UTC (link)
*True, but the one man /had/ seemed genuinely concerned at first too, and Deckard for one is still feeling all too well the strain in his hand and the bruise across the side of his face*
Deckard: *frowning* At the risk of being rude . . . no. Excuse us. *and he'll push back on the others to get them moving again*
McC: ….. *pushes on PJ's and DB's shoulders*

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2014-02-11 11:49 pm UTC (link)
Terris: *won't stop them, they're clearly.....uncertain of him, exhausted and hurt. ....he will be tracking them, though. He stays put until they're well out of sight, and then will follow, making sure they remain safe.*


*meanwhile, Duke, SM, and GM will wake near a river....Dmps is under some bushes not too far from them.*

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2014-02-12 12:14 am UTC (link)
*A lion-boy, a dog-boy, and another J'har boy shift and stir, sitting up to take stock of themselves, each other, and their new surroundings, plus a stocky Human kid who struggles out from under bushes, growling as he does so.*

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2014-02-12 12:18 am UTC (link)
*They'll have a moment to check out their bodies and new surroundings. It'll become quickly apparent that the rest of their team isn't near here. They'll move off to search. It won't be /too/ long before they find they others...who still look /exhausted/....and Deckard's face, especially around his eye, is turning a nasty black, his hand will ache too, though it won't /show/ any signs of damage.*

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2014-02-12 12:24 am UTC (link)
*The groups are RELIEVED to find each other! They'll catch up with one another, the other half of the team /concerned/ as they ask Deckard what happened, if he's okay. Yes, yes, he's fine, but apparently they'll need to be careful of whom they approach, especially until they can figure out what went wrong with that encounter, if it was something other than just a pair of unscrupulous people.*

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