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dragondancer515 ([info]dragondancer515) wrote,
@ 2014-02-24 08:18:00

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*Most kind of hang back, like they're not entirely sure what to do with the two human children (and amin child) they've caught, but a couple will move to get them down. the net is lowered and the five men move in to help untangle the children. Once free of the net, though... they're gabbed and held. The one that snatches DB doesn't wait, he pulls a knife and draws it across DB's throat*

Man1: *drops DB once it's done*

Man2 and 3: *are /holding/ Dmps back*

Man4 and 5: *are sitting on PJ*

Woman: No! *rushes up to DB, clamping a hand over his neck* How could you?! They're /children/!

*DB, fighting for air, feeling his life quickly draining away, will be /flooded/ with intense pain. It'll be enough of a shock to keep him conscious. He'll feel the flesh of his throat knitting back together*

*There's nothing but cooperation and gratitude from the boys as they're untangled, then startled protests as they're grabbed . . . and SCREAMS from PJ and Dmps as DB's throat is slit!*

Dmps:  BASTARD!  THE HELL DO YOU THINK YOU'RE DOING!  *is stocky and /strong/ for his age, plus he's a wrestler /and/ has other combat training AND the powerful adrenaline rush of being about to lose his little brother . . . yeah, those two only /think/ they're going to hold onto him!*

PJ: *SNARLING, BITING, SCRATCHING, THEY /WILL/ LET HIM UP!!!! – has the same training Dmps has, /and/ the same ADRENALINE*

DB: *eyes /wide/, one hand /latching/ onto her arm – there's no fear or hate of her at all, either for her race or her ability, only a panicky HELPHELPHELP!!!*

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2014-02-24 02:40 pm UTC (link)
*Yeah...the boys get free...and the men take off*
Woman: *meets DB's eyes, gaze promising to do what she can for him......she's aware that she's just been left...and she's aware that she's using her power on a human, but he's a /child/...she has to try to help. As the other two come at her she kind of curls up over DB, clinging to him and praying they'll not force her away too soon.*

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2014-02-24 02:47 pm UTC (link)
*The two give chase a little, still snarling threats, but they turn back before they get too far, dropping down on either side of her and DB. They...can't tell /what/ she's doing, but...it /seems/ like she's trying to help??*
Dmps: *gentle, though /shaking/, hand on her shoulder* Please . . . are you a healer? Can you save him?
PJ: You have to. You've /got/ to save him! *not a threat, just a desperate /plea/*

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2014-02-24 03:09 pm UTC (link)
Woman: *soaked with DB's blood, has the boy craddled in her lap, a hand clamped over the gash in his neck* *softly* I'm doing all I can.
*the pain will finallh be too much. DB's eyes roll and he'll pass out*

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2014-02-24 03:13 pm UTC (link)
Dmps: *guessing she's just…trying to keep the blood in, finally stands* Gonna go get Terris.
PJ: *jumps up* You stay here. I'll go. I'm faster. *takes off*
Dmps: …………… *crouches back down, to the woman* What can I do to help?

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2014-02-24 03:41 pm UTC (link)
Woman: *shakes her head and just holds on, after another minute she peels her bloody hand away from DB's throat to look. There is no wound.*

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2014-02-24 03:55 pm UTC (link)
Dmps: Whoa, how did you- . . . Spirit wielder? *eyes wide, but no hate or fear in them, just shock*

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2014-02-24 03:58 pm UTC (link)
Woman: *looks at Dmps, meeting his gaze for a moment, please, please, /please/ don 't make her have to defend herself...she'll shift to sit more comfortably* He'll need food when he wakes...juice to drink or something to help his body replenish what he's lost...

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2014-02-24 04:12 pm UTC (link)
Dmps: *nods…reaches over to gently grip her hand* Thank you. I know you just risked a /lot/, being a free J'har /and/ a wielder, to help two stupid humans. Thank you. I promise we're not a threat. We just want to live free and in peace, just like you.

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2014-02-24 04:18 pm UTC (link)
Woman: *small, weary smile* I have no regrets, and thank you. *for not being afraid, for not threatening her. Even if that wasn't the case she'd have...well, she probably would have knocked this other boy out, taken the injured one and cared for him until she knew he'd live, then knocked him out and brought him somewhere he'd be found before disappearing again. She's glad it doesn't seem that'll be what she has to do*
*DB should start to wake, throat /aching/, and very /weak/*

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2014-02-24 04:33 pm UTC (link)
DB: *shifts with a soft sob…then /startles/ awake* Nnnnn… *tries to struggle, /can't/, eyes darting around, spots the woman, then finally Dmps* D-dumpson…
Dmps: Drill Boy! *snatches him up into his lap, HUGGING him* Damn…we almost lost you.
DB: *CLINGS back, voice muffled into Dmps' shoulder* That /hurt/. A /lot/.
Dmps: …..I'll bet…

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2014-02-24 04:37 pm UTC (link)
Woman: *holds on only until Dmps reaches for him. She sits back, looking tired....despite Dmps's promises of safety...she should probably go before the amin boy returns with others... She pushes tonher feet, sways slightly, and will start to walk away.*

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2014-02-24 04:57 pm UTC (link)
Dmps: ….miss?
DB: *turns to look* H-hey, where are you going?

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2014-02-24 05:08 pm UTC (link)
Woman: *weary smile* I don't want any trouble when your parents arrive. *a child may be so sure and addament that she won't be hurt, but an adult may have different ideas.* Take care of each other.

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2014-02-24 05:19 pm UTC (link)
Dmps: *snorts, grinning* What parents? Though granted, we have adults. We live in a small community - amin, j'har, even a couple other humans. You won't have any trouble. We already have one wielder. A half-blood, even.
DB: ...you look tired. Come home with us for food. *said sleepily - he's still too weak and drained to think straight*

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2014-02-24 05:23 pm UTC (link)
Woman: *it's the mention of a half- blood that makes her stop, really studying them*
Terris: *racing up with PJ only steps behind him* Drill Boy! *worried as he drops beside the boy to check him over*
Woman: * startles and...well she doesn't leave but kind of ducks half out of sight to just watch a moment.*

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2014-02-24 05:30 pm UTC (link)
DB: */flinches/, startled and clinging to Dmps, then grins* M'okay…tired, though…
Dmps: Terris, it's all right now. He's been healed. He just needs juice and food.
PJ: …healed? Is /that/ what she was doing?
Dmps: Yeah. *looks around, spots her and waves her back out* Hey, it's okay! This is Terris. He won't hurt you.

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2014-02-24 06:30 pm UTC (link)
Terris: *takes a moment to check DB then looks up at the woman* Thank you, miss. I cannot thank you enough for taking the risk you did to save his life. *he stands, DB in his arms* If you need a safe olace to go, my home is open to you. It's the least I can offer.
Woman: *between Dmps and Terris....she'll step back out and a little closer* You....you're serious?
Terris: Very. I would never repay kindness with evil. Your abilities are not feared by me or those within mh home.
Woman: ....thank you.

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2014-02-24 06:38 pm UTC (link)
PJ: *steps up, gives a shallow bow* Thank you for saving my brother. Name's Power Joe. Pleased to meet you. *offers his hand*
Dmps: *steps up by him* And I'm Dumpson.
DB: *murmurs, snuggling against Terris's chest*

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2014-02-24 07:14 pm UTC (link)
Woman: *tries to wipe the blood off of her hand, but her dress is just as bloody, she grimaces, but will accept PJm's hand if he keeps it out* Moira. I'm...I'm sorry for what happened. I never expected Yalen to do something like that. *not to a child, especially when the children were being so polite and grateful.*

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2014-02-24 07:47 pm UTC (link)
PJ: *takes her hand, heedless of the blood…though it /is/ starting to really stink to his sensitive olfactory*
Dmps: Fear makes people do things they wouldn't normally. Like lash out even if they shouldn't. Doesn't make it /right/, though.
PJ: */grimaces/* Hope I scratched them enough to leave scars. Maybe they'll /think/ next time.

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2014-02-24 07:53 pm UTC (link)
Moira: *if PJ scratched them enough to leave scars they may not live long enough to act differently. She's the healer, if they end up with infections.... She tries not to think about that, they brought it on themselves.*
Terris: Let's get home. I can offer you a warm bath and a warm meal if you wish to join us Moira.
Moira: ....*nods* Thank you.

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2014-02-24 07:59 pm UTC (link)
DB: *settles more into Terris's arms* So sleepy….why m'I so tired?

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2014-02-24 08:02 pm UTC (link)
Terris: Because you lost a lot of blood, your body needs time to replace what was lost.
Moira: *follows, but to keep pace she's moving faster than her body isncapable of after so much wielding. She sways and stumbles a bit as she follows.*

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2014-02-24 08:18 pm UTC (link)
DB: No, I didn't. Still have it all . . . just swallowed it, I think. *grimaces – his stomach's upset*
Dmps: Whoa, easy! You okay?
PJ: *drops back to her side, Dmps doing the same on the other* You look shot. Here, lean on us.

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2014-02-24 08:48 pm UTC (link)
Moira: Just...did a lot. *she...can't help but lean* Thank you.
Terris: *will get them home and instantly take DB to get cleaned up...after a quick stop to give hime something to...make him throw up the blood in his stomach.* This won't be pleasant, but you'll feel better once it's done.

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2014-02-24 09:03 pm UTC (link)
*The two boys have /no/ problem supporting her, insisting that she leans as much as she needs to, they're fine.*
DB: *sobs as he retches, feeling MISERABLE*

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2014-02-24 09:57 pm UTC (link)
Terris: *gently supporting him as the pool of nearly black goop comes up. He'll wait until he's sure DB is done before giving him some water to rinse his mouth with and take a couple sips of. And then it's off to thw wash room. The ruins had a whole room with pools of water. With the lights turned on a generator turned on too and heats the water. He'll get DB stripped and will slip into one of the pools with the boy still on his lap, gebtly getting him cleaned up*

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2014-02-24 10:01 pm UTC (link)
DB: *clinging and /shaking/, still miserable*
Dmps: *will come in a bit later – with Moira if she wants – and will strip and climb in to get cleaned up and try to scrub out his clothes*

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2014-02-24 10:04 pm UTC (link)
Moira: *in /awe/. She'll join them, stripping and slipping into the water too. She's not body shy, and she's too tired to care even if she were.*
Terris: *just snuggling DB in the warm water, it should hell raise his body temp too. Before Dmps can get in.* Dumpson? Will you bring some food and drink for Drill Boy before you get in?

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2014-02-24 10:24 pm UTC (link)
Dmps: *had been just about to strip off his clothes* Oh, right . . . be right back. *will go do that*

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2014-02-24 10:27 pm UTC (link)
Terris: *when Dmps returns he'll pick up the cup of fruit juice and will gently coax DB to drink* I will help you regain your strength and may even help settle your stomach.

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2014-02-24 10:38 pm UTC (link)
DB: *whines softly, resisting at first, but then does take some*

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2014-02-24 10:54 pm UTC (link)
Terris: *gently loving on him and getting him to eat and drink, softly humming to DB too*

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