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dragondancer515 ([info]dragondancer515) wrote,
@ 2014-02-25 08:32:00

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*Duke and Kage are out together when...they run into trouble.*

Kage: *jerks to a stop, a hand going to the side of his neck* Duke...run. *collapses in a heap*

*Before Duke can take two steps in any direction, he'll feel something prick his neck, and his whole body will suddenly feel heavy. It won't knock him out, but in a moment, he won't be able to keep his feet ot speak without tremendous effort.*

Duke: */growls/ as he looks around, dropping to his knees to hunch protectively over Kage*

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2014-02-25 02:50 pm UTC (link)
*Duke wonmt manage to stay upright for long. Within half a mintue he'll go from hunched over Kage, to collapsed over him.*
Man: *steps up to the two childreb* Now that's a catch. *snaps and others will move in to gather up the boys*
Kage: Y'won' get 'way wi'this. *voice thick and words heavily slurred, nothing wants to works. He and Duke are essentially paralyzed...not, but might as well be for all they are managing to get their bodies working...*

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2014-02-25 03:14 pm UTC (link)
Duke: *goes completely limp, hoping they misjudge and bind him too loosely so he can slip out later when this wears off – he'll concentrate on watching and listening, learning all he can…since he really can't do anything /else/ just yet*

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2014-02-25 03:19 pm UTC (link)
*The boys aren't bound at all, just picked up and taken to a caged wagon. There's a human boy in there. Once they're all closed in he'll shift to the two a in boys and get them arranged so they're confortable...and then will kind of sit protectively between them. He's only got a blanket around his waist and his back is a mess of whip wounds.*

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2014-02-25 03:48 pm UTC (link)
Duke: *just...studies him, then looks around, now and then testing his body without being too obvious about it*

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2014-02-25 03:57 pm UTC (link)
Boy: *glances at Duke...doesn't smile, there's nothing to smile about, but will shift to give his shoulder a gentle squeeze...and then does the same to Kage since the bird amin is studying him too*
Kage: *will start to be able to move first. He twitches and shifts before finally sitting up with a soft growl of effort. It'll take Duke another minute to be able to do the same*
Boy: *will brace a hand on their backs, helping to keep them upright. /softly/, knowing they have better hearing* Don't push yourselves too much. We can't do anything until the wagon stops anyway.

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2014-02-25 04:05 pm UTC (link)
Duke: *tests but doesn't move right away, waiting until he has full control to give away that he can move at all, though he does nod a little at the words*

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2014-02-25 04:10 pm UTC (link)
Kage: *sitting up, curled forward a bit, fists clenching and unclenching as he tries to get his body working right. Feathers ruffle then relax again. He looks at the boy helping to bace him upright.* Thank you.
Boy: *nods...and finally manages a small smile* We'll figure a way out of this. *sure of it.../has/ to...*

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2014-02-25 04:14 pm UTC (link)
Duke: *continuing to relax for now and let his body recover on its own, there's nothing he /needs/ to do yet anyway - nods* We have plenty of people who will come hunting for us, and they will find us. At the worst, if we are sold, we will try to be sold together so we can be found together. *has /no/ question they will be found, Terris will find them – that's if they can't escape on their own, he /does/ intend to try*

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2014-02-25 04:18 pm UTC (link)
Boy: *wonders if he'll be included in that. He'll certainly help with any attempts at freedom* My name's Mitham. What are yours?
Kage: *deep calming breaths, like Naijah taught him* Kagerou. It's nice to meet you, Mitham, circumstances not withstanding.

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2014-02-25 04:24 pm UTC (link)
Duke: *inwardly nervous but not letting it show…just like he doesn't let much of /anything/ show* Duke. Pleased to meet you, Mitham. *finally sits up carefully…then looks at Mitham* I thought humans weren't picked up for slaves unless they were "exotic".

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2014-02-25 04:29 pm UTC (link)
Mitham: *scowls, but not at Duke, looking away* Usually. I ended up given to a couple a couple years ago. They didn't want a son, they wanted free labor, so I ran away. ...got caught stealing a few times and ended up on the markets. Ran away from my master. These guys found me, but since they don't know who I belong to they'll take me to the markets. ....I'm sorry you two were caught.

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2014-02-25 04:32 pm UTC (link)
Duke: ………and I am sorry for your misfortunes as well. When Kagerou and I escape, we'll be sure you come with us. You'd be free to go your own way or return home with us if you'd like. You'd be safe, free, and cared for if you do.

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2014-02-25 04:45 pm UTC (link)
Mitham: ...Thank you. Sounds like you have a good home. I can't join you, though, not right away. There's...a little girl I need to get back to. *assuming she's still alive* Maybe...once I've found her...

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2014-02-25 04:58 pm UTC (link)
Duke: Then we'll help you find her, and we'll all return home together.

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2014-02-25 05:26 pm UTC (link)
Mitham: *looks at him...and nods* Thank you. I really appreciate it.
Kage: We'll be glad to help.
*They'll travel for hours. Out of the forest and onto a road. They'll end up at a snall town that evening. They'll spend the night hungry and cold in the wagon*

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2014-02-25 05:35 pm UTC (link)
Duke: *will get everyone settled so Mitham is huddled between him and Kage, and whichever direction any breeze is blowing from is the side he'll take, trusting his fur to keep him…well, warm /enough/*

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2014-02-25 06:18 pm UTC (link)
Mitham: *won't argue with the larger, older boys. He'll settle gladly between them*
Kage: *will make sure to have a wing stretched out over the other to as far as possible without straining*
*come morning the wagon will be opened and the boys hauled out and bound to the bars of the wagon so they can be seen by those who may wish to buy them.*

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2014-02-25 06:39 pm UTC (link)
Duke: *softly just to Mitham and Kage* Let me do any talking. Just go with it. If I can get us kept together, I will. Either way, Terris will find us - *to Mitham* - and we'll make sure he comes for you too.

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2014-02-25 06:42 pm UTC (link)
Mitham: *nervous, but they'll only know because they can smell it on him. He nods*
*It's midday when a young woman steps up to the wagon. She goes instantly to the only children on display, looking over the three. Two men seem to dtabd guard over her, another human, and a j'har.*

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2014-02-25 06:51 pm UTC (link)
Duke: *nods his head respectfully* Good day, Mistress.

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2014-02-25 06:54 pm UTC (link)
Woman: *gaze shifts to Duke, studying him* What' is your name? *she reaches out to softly touch the side of his face*

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2014-02-25 07:08 pm UTC (link)
Duke: *gaze properly lowers, holding still for the touch* My name is Duke, Mistress. This is my brother, Kagerou, and this is Mitham. We consider him a brother as well. *nodding at each*

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2014-02-25 07:14 pm UTC (link)
Woman: *shifts to the next boy, soflh touching his face, and then does the same to the next* And you hope that by telling me this you will not be separated?
Mitham: *STIFF when she reaches for him, sullen and trying not to glare*
Kage: *bows his head a little, respectful*

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2014-02-25 07:19 pm UTC (link)
Duke: I realize that we have no real right to, but…yes, Mistress, it is the one thing Duke: I realize that we have no real right to, but…yes, Mistress, it is the one thing we would ask.we would ask.

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2014-02-25 07:47 pm UTC (link)
((Might want to check that one in doc. You may have just copied it twice into the post.))

Woman: *small smile* As you have been very polite about it...I think that can be arranged.
Merchant: You're taking all three then, my lady?
Woman: Yes. I will take all three. *will haggle abd pay*
*the human and j'har men step forward to get the boys free of the wagon hands on shoulders gently but firmly leading them to a bearby wagon.*

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2014-02-25 08:01 pm UTC (link)
((>,> Yeah...copied here, nothing happened, hit Cnt+V again...didn't catch that it pasted /twice/ when it pasted at all.))

Duke: *offers no resistance, hopes Kage and especially Mitham will do the same – now is /not/ the time to try to make a break for it, far too many people around, plus they're hungry and exhausted*

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2014-02-25 08:03 pm UTC (link)
((Just making simure something didn't happen that it ended up in doc thay way))

Mitham: *looks like he wants to, but doesn't*
Kage: *keeps Mitham snugged to his side once his hands are released*
J'har: *will follow them into the back of the covered wagon. To Mitham* Come lie down, let me see what I can do for hour back. *fone gentle*

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2014-02-25 08:19 pm UTC (link)
Duke: *is /glad/ . . . studies the woman and her guards – she's been nothing but nice, and they don't seem afraid or abused at all, this is a really good sign . . . he'll continue to study the j'har, softly encouraging Mitham if the boy seems to need it*

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2014-02-25 08:21 pm UTC (link)
Mitham: *stiff, but obedient*
J'har: *will gebtly start seeing to Mitham's back* Are either of you injured?
Kage: No, sir.
J'har: *glances a little smile up at Kage for the "sir"* Call me Aren.

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2014-02-25 08:40 pm UTC (link)
Duke: Thank you. Will you tell us about the mistress?

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2014-02-25 09:07 pm UTC (link)
Aren: *smiles* You boys are headed to a good home; that I promise you. The La'Kar manor is a sanctuary, a safe place for all races. It's home. Though....I'm sure you have family worried for you...?

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2014-02-25 09:08 pm UTC (link)
Duke: …………..we do, yes.

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2014-02-25 09:23 pm UTC (link)
Aren: Kalan and Lunnaei will do all they can to get you to your family then. You mll be all right now, promise.
Kage: *glances at Duke...he believe it? Kage is inclined to* Kalan and Lunnaei?
Aren: The master and lady of the house. Lunnaei is the one who purchased you.

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2014-02-25 09:32 pm UTC (link)
Duke: *Kage won't be able to tell – he's reserving judgment…though Aren's calling them both by name and seems completely unafraid* That would lose her all the money she just spent on three new slaves, young ones with years of service she's likely to expect from us. *he's testing*

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2014-02-25 09:52 pm UTC (link)
Aren: *smile widens a little* They'd be losing it anyway, as you'll be freed as soon as possible. Just make sure they know you have family worried for you.

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2014-02-25 10:10 pm UTC (link)
Duke: …………why? Why would she do such a thing? *can guess, but won't assume*

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2014-02-25 10:13 pm UTC (link)
Aren: Because it's right, and Lunnaei, and her husband, despise the practice of slavery.

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Outtie - dunno when I'll be home. Have fun tonight!
2014-02-25 10:43 pm UTC (link)
Duke: And yet they own at least one. To give you a safe home?

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