True Love -- Day [entries|friends|calendar]

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whee active [22 Nov 2008|10:03pm]
[ mood | everywhere ]

Sister's baby shower is tomorrow (held here) so I've been actively cleaning the house (yay vacuuming furniture). Still have stuff to do but it's going to wait until tomorrow morning T_T (i.e. Sweeping leaves away from out house. At least it's not trash). But because of this I didn't get to do much else today, such as be on RO for WoE, be on the computer to say hi to Lisa or post D: I had so many expectations but I want that money Mom's going to pay me for working here for now (yay pseudo jobs :D). And suddenly I am getting paid to babysit (though I told Mom not to worry about it)...

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[ viewing | November 22nd, 2008 ]
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