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Happy times? [30 Nov 2008|09:34pm]
New addition to the family: Toby the little kitty. I'm hoping we keep him. He's a great cat, wonderful nuzzler and loves James for some reason. He curls up with anyone and is very curious. Even for his age I think he's active. He's also friendly. He has no sense of danger... After all, he's supposed to be friend to Maya eventually but Maya wants nothing to do with him. Fortunately, she doesn't go after him yet, but she hisses and growls. Considering it's day three, who knows. We're hoping...

We got our tree but Mom cried. First year not having my brother there to help pick it out. But we still all managed to agree on a tree and had an overall happy time.

Obviously, James and Roxanne came over during the break and I enjoyed the company. However, I'm worried about once against being alone (or rather having only Hebi as company)

Uh nothing else to say...
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[ viewing | November 30th, 2008 ]
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