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erin b. kirke ([info]erinkirked) wrote,
@ 2010-07-21 11:12:00

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[PRIVATE] Okay. So. There's an opening in the auror program that would be perfect for my schedule, it would---I'd be like Avis, where I'm in the lab most of the time but can be called out to help with attacks and---they really need it, no one wants to be an auror anymore, and I'm pretty good at dueling and---

I don't know. I have two kids now, I have a husband. But--I can help, I could help people. I could have--With Deidra it-- Hrrmpppghsjgnsdkkgm,s

Pretty sure Rafe won't like this idea even though he wants to go out and beat people up too and--- [/PRIVATE]

What does one wear to a Welcome Home From Your Near Death Experience the Hospital party?

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2010-07-22 03:41 pm UTC (link)

Something pretty?

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2010-07-22 03:44 pm UTC (link)
But how pretty? I don't want to outshine Jonas, after all.

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2010-07-22 03:46 pm UTC (link)
You do that just by existing.

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2010-07-22 03:52 pm UTC (link)
Oh--you. You fluster me.

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2010-07-22 03:54 pm UTC (link)
I'm going to have to be sappy and say that you do the same.

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2010-07-22 03:57 pm UTC (link)
Do you think I always will?

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2010-07-22 03:59 pm UTC (link)
You know it, love. Until death.

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2010-07-22 04:12 pm UTC (link)
Back at you, stud ;)

What about that red dress? Hm?

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2010-07-22 04:29 pm UTC (link)
Oh. You know how much I like that red dress.

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2010-07-22 04:38 pm UTC (link)
I haven't had an occasion to wear it in a while...I think it might be time to pull it out of the closet.

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2010-07-23 04:26 pm UTC (link)
The only advice I can think to give is this:

avoid lime green.

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2010-07-23 04:28 pm UTC (link)
That is very good advice, Mr. Rookwood!

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2010-07-23 04:36 pm UTC (link)
Glad I could be of some assistance, Mrs.Kirke.

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2010-07-23 04:40 pm UTC (link)

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2010-07-23 04:43 pm UTC (link)
Why do I get the feeling this conversation is about to stray into dangerous territory?

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2010-07-23 04:44 pm UTC (link)
I don't want to talk about dangerous stuff! Just interesting stuff that everyone keeps talking about and I haven't been able to talk about and now have the chance to.

Nothing dangerous.

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2010-07-23 05:26 pm UTC (link)
Your definition of 'dangerous' and mine are apparently very different.

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2010-07-23 05:28 pm UTC (link)
Well! I'm sorry! You guys were like---it, and now there's a chance of it being back and--yeah! Interesting, interesting Mr. Rookwood!

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2010-07-23 05:38 pm UTC (link)
There's a chance?

Let's be realistic here, Erin. Even if I wanted to, why should I give 'it' another chance?

You have to understand that it's more complicated than just forgiving and forgetting...and as of right now, I don't even foresee that happening any time soon.

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2010-07-24 01:19 am UTC (link)
Because you guys were in love and that never goes away completely. I dunno, I just don't see the reason behind keeping grudges when all they do is make you unhappy.

Oh right I keep forgetting about the little girl you're dating--Oh that's mean-- And I do know it's complicated but--not impossible.

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2010-07-24 11:23 pm UTC (link)
It's easy, to not understand the reason behind keeping grudges when you personally don't have much of a reason for keeping one. Besides, it's not as though I'm avoiding her completely. I just can't, for the life of me, act like we're still friends.

Your optimism is admirable.

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2010-07-24 11:26 pm UTC (link)
Excuse me? I have to deal with Aland Avery, the man who was accused of murdering my sister all the bloody time because my sister-in-law's boyfriend is best friends with him. Don't tell me I don't know about keeping grudges, Donovan. If I can do that, you can deal with someone you were in love with for years.

And it is admirable, the world needs more optimism these days.

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2010-07-25 12:45 am UTC (link)
You assumed I was speaking generally, when I wasn't. What you have to deal with when it comes to Aland is completely different. So don't go getting all defensive, comparing one scenario to another. It's unnecessary.

I agree, but that doesn't change the fact that I doubt Danielle and I will ever be what we were - that, Erin, was my whole point.

Yes, I loved her...but I don't know her anymore. We were kids, we've both changed. I can't be certain what's in store for us, but just imagine Rafe just...left. Didn't contact you for 5 years, and then showed up out of no where. Would you be so willing to just welcome him back with open arms? Just be glad that he was back, regardless of the way he left things?

Maybe you would, I'm not sure...but I'm not built that way.

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2010-07-25 01:00 am UTC (link)
To be honest it's something out of a romance novel, really-- Rafe and I didn't take the easiest route to get where we are now but...yeah, you know, if he left right now without a word, as angry as I would be right now it would be the happiest day of my life when he came back.

I don't know, really. I'm not arguing for you guys to get back together, even I don't think that would make sense for right now. You're both really good friends and have been forever so it's like we've got front row seats to the part-two of this long lasting cliffhanger.

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2010-07-25 01:07 am UTC (link)
And I probably would have thought you were a fool. No one deserves to be abandoned - and I don't say that to be self deprecating, because I wasn't the only person she just vanished on, I say it because I truly believe it's one of the worst feelings in the world...speaking from experience.

Well, I'm glad this is so entertaining for everyone.

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2010-07-25 01:20 am UTC (link)
Ah, well, you can't say we're not a nosy group.

But! Enough of that mess. We're heading over to Jonas' with the boys for a bit for a surprise lunch, would you like to join us?

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2010-07-25 01:50 am UTC (link)
No, I can't.

As much as I would love to, I'm afraid I have some things to attend to this afternoon. Thank you though, for the invite.

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