18th May, 2012

king for a day

The Lords and Ladies McCormack-Duke of Alba )

30th Apr, 2012


Green Day icons

They may be a bit BJA heavy, but he amuses me with his antics as Rev. Strychnine Twitch.

107 icons )

9th Feb, 2012

Billie Joe

Give me one of your characters and one of mine, and I will give you their top texts from last night.

All of my characters have been given truth serum. Ask them whatever questions you like, as many as you like, and they will answer honestly.

28th Oct, 2011


Character Development take 2

Same rules as last time, comment with the name of the character you want to answer :)

Explicit content ahoy! )

6th Oct, 2011


Character Development meme

Tag with the name of one of my characters and I'll answer the meme for them :) Deals with sexuality. Don't click if you're delicate.

Click for questions )