
January 7th, 2006

Journal Info

001 Fag Hag Graphics
Fag Hag Graphics@LJ.com


January 7th, 2006

Twisted and sadistic wanting you to fix it

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001 Fag Hag Graphics
Blending is fun. :) I made some random headers/banners whatever you would like to refer to them as. Some are plain so you can do whatever you please with them. :) I feel horrible because the Squeak ones I worked on them last night and they're not as crafty... if you will. I promise to make more stuff soon. Enjoy! And you know the drill. Thank you. :)

Apnea, Katie, Quinne, & SQUEAK oh my! )

[dorkness] Only one person will get this but anywho, I used this font called starstruck for Katie's header. *snort* I always found it amusing I had it there, so why not use it? [/dorkness]

x-posted at [info]xsuicidegirls
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