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Elizabeth Lyta Worthington ([info]feathers_) wrote,
@ 2014-01-23 22:29:00

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Player (nickname, handle)/ LJ: Allie
Email: on file
AIM (if you have one): on file
Character Name: Elizabeth Lyta Worthington. Goes by Lyta.
Character LJ (if applicable):

Physical description (face, build, weight): 5'8, 120 lbs, blonde hair, blue eyes. Most noticeable feature is the pair of angel wings she has growing out of her back.
Age: 24
Birthday: December 1st
PB: Evan Rachel Wood.
Abilities: Lyta's wings, not only do they grant her the ability to fly, but her bone structure is hollowed, like that of a bird's. Lyta possesses telepathic abilities, which gives her the ability to read minds and project her thoughts into the minds of others, among other abilities. Lyta also possesses peak human strength, being able to lift up to about five-hundred pounds, superhuman stamina, durability, and a regenerative healing factor, though this is not anywhere near Wolverine-levels.

Lyta's also a decent hand-to-hand fighter, and handy with a sword.

She's also, if she says so herself, a pretty damn good businesswoman.
Weaknesses and flaws: If she suffers any critical injuries, such as getting shot directly to an organ, Lyta will not heal as quickly. If her wings are weighted down by too much water, Lyta will be unable fly, or crash to the ground while in flight. While she is a powerful telepath in her own right, having been trained by some of the best, Lyta can be beaten by a telepath of a higher level.
Character location/Home: Champion's HQ, New Orleans.
Alignment (villain, hero etc): Hero, X-Men
Relatives (living/dead?): Warren Worthington III (father, living), Betsy Braddrock-Worthington (mother, living), Gabriel Worthington (twin brother, living), Brian Braddock (uncle, living), Warren Worthington II (grandfather, deceased), Scott Summers (godfather, living), Jean Summers (godmother, living).
Backstory: Elizabeth Lyta Worthington is the oldest of the fraternall twins born to Warren Worthington and Betsy Braddock. Betsy's pregnancy completely unexpected, Warren proposed to Betsy after she found out that she was pregnant. Betsy said yes, and the two were married in a sort of shotgun (but fabulously executed wedding). Nine months later, Lyta and her twin brother, Gabriel Kenneth Worthington were delivered via c-section delivery, as it was discovered early on that both babies appeared to be growing wings in an ultrasound.

Elizabeth (who preferred to go by her middle name), and Gabriel, were raised around Xaviers, and grew up with the rest of the X-kids. Though Warren tried to groom both of his children to eventually go into business at Worthington, Lyta always showed more interest than Gabriel in the business-side of things. Both twins fought with the X-Men when they turned seventeen, though Lyta put her superhero career on hold to go to Harvard, where she majored in business. She returned to the X-Men for a brief period of time, while working on her master's.

About a year ago, Warren sent Lyta oversees to England to work on a business deal with Worthington's London branch. Wanting Gabriel to get a better feel for things, Warren sent Lyta's brother with her, though Lyta handled more things on the business end than Gabriel. The business deal finally closed, Lyta has returned to the states, to rejoin the X-Men, and work at her father's company office in New York City.'

After getting called away from the X-Men to work on more business in London, Warren offered Lyta the chance to run the branch of Worthington in New Orleans, which would be a smaller, newly established office. Lyta took the oppourtunity, and has decided look up her old team, the Champions, while she's at it.

How do you plan to introduce the character to the game?: Coming to New Orleans and possibly rejoining the Champions.
What are you planning to do with this character?: Join the Champions, while working for her father's company.
What do you want to see happen with this character?:Champions plots (sometimes X-Men, she visits a lot), businesswoman badassness. Lyta's powerset makes her more of a support type, which I am perfectly fine with.
Test scene: http://www.scribbld.com/users/cant_stop_this/1530.html

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