i am your ANTICHRIST;


The unthinking majority.

inara ♦ spark of sanity


December 23rd, 2008


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chikane/himeko ♦ lust of my life
Just a few random thoughts 'cause I'm on break and bored already.

I really want to learn to play Yuuko better. That and I'd love if images of Venus (Pokemon Colosseum) existed. Apparently not. Bah.

Listen to me RAMBLE. INCOHERENTLY. I should be writing my prompts! AAAAAAARGH DX

So, I fiiled out a meme. )

December 20th, 2008


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koyomi/michiru ♦ exploit me
So... Koyomi. Just... chosen at random sorta, since I rewatched Zombie-Loan recently.

Also, a thought: I saw the new video for Metallica's "All Nightmare Long." They told us they were off drugs... but, what the fuck was that?

Otherwise, nothing really interesting has happened lately, buuut I'm re-re-playing Dark Cloud. a-asdf I want to play La Saia but no art exists of her because she's a boss who doesn't appear much in the story... DX

I should get back to writing the Patchouli/Caterina and Patchouli/Celine prompts, then later the Howard/Florian prompt, which will definitely be fun!
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