11:02am 10/11/2008
I'm kind of pissed. I had this big long spiel typed in here and it was utterly epic, I hit 'post', and it was gone. of course, it didn't autosave or whatever, either, because life sucks for me. so I'll make it shorter this time because I don't feel like writing it all again.

I'm thinking of dropping lydia. it's not that I don't like her, because I do, it's that I don't use her. so if y'all want lydia to stay around, you need to give her some action-- which now makes me think of lydia having sex which would be awkward for everyone. you saw her drunk. sex would be worse.

as I was pondering what life without ms. baum would be like, I figured for a moment that I would only have three characters. says I, "three characters is perfect in november! you have a book to write, after all!" I them promptly shot this side of me in the face with a cow tranquilizer and threw it in a closet.

what this means, in a nutshell, is that if I get rid of lydia, I'm picking someone else up. It's inertia or gravity or something. chela can't have less than four characters or she'll explode. and you don't want chela on the walls, do you? blood is awfully messy and I'm afraid some vampires might come and that will just mess everyone up. so don't let me explode.

I have a list of a few that I've considered, but I really don't know which one I want. Any characters in particular you ladies are looking for? I'm thinking: upton sinclair (black, for jessi. haha), sinclair lewis, t.h. white (a sadist, because he would have plenty of friends in the springs haha), c.s. forester (army kid, but nothing like markie. we don't need another markie. xD), agatha christie... I think that's it. anyone else?

so. comments, questions, queries? also, I realise that 'queries' and 'questions' is pretty much the same thing but they sound good together so stfu.
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a little lydia drabble  
06:52pm 30/07/2008
tags: ~lydia
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lydia's clothes  
07:59pm 28/06/2008

lyds has no style, hah. xD

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on lydia and her love/hate relationship with oma  
06:34pm 21/05/2008

On Lydia and her love/hate relationship with her grandmother:

Mrs. Baum the elder lived in Germany until her first grandchild was born about 20 years ago. Her husband, and American soldier, had brought up all the Baum children as American, and they promptly left Germany as soon as they went to college. Lydia's father, the eldest Baum child, was no exception. He took his money and moved to New York to raise his family, barely seeing his German mother, because she lived in a far away city called Pierian Springs.

Lydia didn't really mind that she saw her "Oma" only twice a year, on Thanksgiving and Christmas-- that is, until her parents decided that she was to move in with her. Her older brother and sister were in college and the other siblings in middle school, leaving Lydia in the middle. The Baums decided that she was far too attached to her immediate family and needed a change, so off to Oma's she went.

Often, Lydia thinks that she's been sent to her grandmother's house to "watch her die." She's obviously elderly, but she can also be sickly and frail. Many days, she doesn't get out of her pink nightgown. Lydia makes her breakfast every morning and reminds her to take her medication. Lydia hates having to watch over her, acting like a parent to her grandparent. She feels as if she has no one to go to with her problems, because Oma's so out of touch with teenagers.

Other days, the more common ones, Lydia loves Oma. She's allowed all the freedom she wants, sometimes so much she has no idea what to do with it. Oma lets friends stay over on school nights and Lydia can watch television and talk to flowers all evening if she so wishes. When Mrs. Baum and Lydia are the only two in the house, Oma asks Lydia speak to her in German; this allows Lydia to become more fluent, and she feels as if she has a little secret language with her grandmother than not everyone can understand Oma has also become attached to Lydia's boyfriend, because she loves how sweet he is to her and how dorky they can be together. He tends to keep her busy, too, so Mrs. Baum can have a moment's rest.

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