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dirk e. cresswell ([info]gogoblins) wrote,
@ 2014-02-22 21:06:00

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Since my lovely, amazing, glowing pregnant wife and I can't make it to New York for the World Cup as we will be preparing for the arrival of our second beautiful baby (boy or girl, bets are on!), I have set up a whole room of international wirelesses that'll keep us up to date with all the matches.

Plus I've prepared pennants, face paint, and stadium-esque treats to enjoy them with.


(Theo is half-displeased that Bulgaria didn't make it to New York, but his other half is saying GO IRELAND!!!)

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2014-02-23 05:19 am UTC (link)
I can't go to New York either. My Gringotts vault is so empty it echoes.

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2014-02-23 05:38 am UTC (link)
That is also a factor in our non-voyage!

We could set up listening parties!

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2014-02-23 05:53 am UTC (link)
I'd sell my soul to not have to eat cereal or a peanut butter sandwich for breakfast, lunch and dinner. I'm literally a starving artist until at least the end of the month. But I do make a mean peanut butter sandwich. It's all about the spread to bread ratio.

I'm working through a couple of the matches, but I'd be down to listen in on the ones I'm free for. I just hope you won't be too upset when Theo realizes how cool Team Wales is. Their mascot is a dragon.

A dragon.

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2014-02-23 10:09 pm UTC (link)
You should come over for dinner one day! I have become quite the master chef.

Theo is very loyal to Shamrock the Leprechaun, okay?!

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2014-02-24 12:33 am UTC (link)
At this point in time, my growling stomach overpowers my pride, so I may have to take you up on that offer.

Okay, okay! I promise to not point out that Wynn could eat Shamrock for breakfast.

In all seriousness though, they put together great teams this year, it's going to be intense. Ireland and Wales both have heavy hitters and fast flyers.

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