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Graves Hall Mod ([info]gravesmod) wrote,
@ 2010-09-06 22:32:00

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Places: Graves Hall
Only the invited are permitted entrance to Graves Hall. There is some magic in the hall that sorts out who is allowed and who is not (those who are not will not be able to physically enter the building, try though they might). They don't have regular meetings, though they all seem to know when other people are in the hall (perhaps by some magic of the hall itself). Members typically come together even if just to laugh at someone's new invention. Every now and again an important meeting will come about and they'll discuss things seriously, but these are rare.

Graves Hall is a peculiar place, the outside ever the same while the inside changes to reflect the mood or needs of its members.

The outside is stone, laid like bricks. There are pillars for support and an arched door and windows. It has two floors. On the second floor toward the back facing the Cadogan River is an open stone archway that leads to a balcony where one can see far into the country. It is a rather unassuming building, as most buildings in Hamlin are made of stone and have pillars, some grander than others.

Out back is a pretty garden that Hamlin takes great pride in, having groomed and grown most of the flowers and trees planted there since building the hall. Many of the trees were planted in remembrance of someone close to Hamlin or Ganymede who died.

The inside however, is an ever-changing landscape. When there's an important meeting a great, marble table will appear with comfortable chairs, one for each member. When everyone is in a lounging mood there are many divans and poufs littering the various rooms. It all depends on the members of Graves Hall and they are rarely unsurprised upon entering, finding some new piece of furniture or delightful painting or sculpture hung in a nook they never noticed before.

When more than one member is in the Hall the interior may blend to suit both or all of their tastes, sometimes blending completely, other times reflecting one member's interior more strongly.

Various Perceptions Past and Present
Hamlin's Perception: the Hall looks like it did when it was built, plain gray stone, but he has several unique rooms within it. There is the office on the second floor that only appears for him (it has a desk upon which appears the names of invited members). There is a bedroom with a navy blue cover. His library is expansive with polished marble surfaces (the books sort themselves back onto the shelves).

Marlowe's Perception: Gothic architecture at every turn. Pictures to come.

Morgan's Perception: There's a bubbled ceiling.

Ohana's Perception: Her Hall is elegant yet homey, the same sort of oxymoron that can be applied to Ohana's wardrobe.

Puck's Perception: His library has one tall window from floor to the high ceiling. There are tables near the window and his book shelves run from floor to ceiling. There's a ladder that slides all around the library.

Reed's Perception: the Hall looks like it did when it was built, though this is beginning to change now that Reed has expectations for himself. The furniture is beginning to shift into simple, elegant, modern Daemon style, the architecture will follow. He has a claustrophobically small library with one small lamp, no windows, and a cushy carpeted floor (the books that appear on the shelves are exactly what he needs, containing any reference no matter how small to what he's looking for).

Samra's Perception: Sam's library has a crystal chandelier that she describes as light and fire. Her book shelves are made of willow tree with the bark still attached.

Those Invited
Current: Aldrich Waldemar, Enki Chance, Evie Chanson, Ganymede Orion (inactive), Hamlin Graves, Morgan Morrow, Samra Chance, Puck
Previous: Gabriel Headwind (deceased), Kenichi Abe (deceased)

Beyond: Aldrich Waldemar, Ginevra Graves, Marlowe, Puck, Reed Graves, Willow Graves-Myles
(I'm certain there's more, we just haven't discussed it much in Beyond)

To be Invited: Hamlin will invite these people in the course of the game:
None at present. If you'd like your character to be invited to the Hall please let me know.

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