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Graves Hall Mod ([info]gravesmod) wrote,
@ 2010-09-06 22:48:00

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Places: Parliament

Parliament is an old and venerable building, having been built even before the government was centralized.

It is expansive, old gray brick and gold plated domes which are in need of polishing. It's a busy building with offices on every floor and a central room of debate under the main dome. Most of the government works out of this building, including the Central Bureau of Law Enforcement.

There are several branches of officials, each identified with badges wrought by goblins (very hard to replicate the handiwork those fellows put into them). There are law making officials, law enforcement officials (leos), secretaries, tax officers, and assistants. Law making officials have circular badges that look like a snake eating itself; they are mostly located in the east wing of the building. They have a variety of secretaries and assistants that aid them in keeping their paperwork together. Law enforcement officials have triangular badges with eyes in the center (something like a freemason pyramid); they occupy the west wing of the building, along with the tax officers and their assistants (who have nondescript rectangular badges).

Anyone entering the building must have a badge or a pass that can be obtained at the front desk.

Special sessions are held when a new law is ready for the King's vote, ironically they aren't as special as they used to be and happen with a kind of regularity, at least once a week, oftentimes more. Regular sessions are held daily from the opening of the building until the close to argue about laws (usually there is such a flurry of activity in the main dome room that several laws are discussed at once). Sessions generally have an air of controlled chaos.

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