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heroic_dynamo ([info]heroic_dynamo) wrote,
@ 2011-05-18 18:15:00

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CD App
Player (nickname, handle)/ LJ: Paul E.
Email: drdoom83@hotmail.com
AIM (if you have one): same as above
Character Name: Zviad Mikhailovich
Character LJ (if applicable): heroic-dynamo
Physical description (face, build, weight): 6'1, lean but well-muscled.
Age: 23
Birthday: October 7
PB: (If using one.)Ben Mansfield
Abilities: Has extensive experience piloting the Federal Dynamo power armor. He has been training in preperation for his promotion to piloting a Crimson Dynamo suit. The suit in question is a prototype intended to be the closest to the Iron Man armor Russia has ever produced. Aside from the basic Dynamo weapons, Zviad is also a skilled fighter, trained in Russian sambo. He is a student of military strategy and is a capable tacticitan, though he prefers to take orders rather than give them.
Weaknesses and flaws: Despite his experience in using the Dynamo power-armor he is not a scientist or technician and depends on others to repair it. he often gets lost when the specifics are explained to him. He is steadily studying how the armor works, but it's a work in progress. Has zero tolerance for wordplay and behind-the-scenes machinations and has called people on their double talk more than once. This has cost him promotions to Crimson several times. Only his undeniable talent with the suit and patriotism have preserved his job.
Character location/Home: Russia
Alignment (villain, hero etc): Hero
Relatives (living/dead?): Sergei Mikhailovich (father, alive) Medea Mikhailovich(Tsiskaridze) (mother, alive)

The son of a Russian colonel and Georgian mother, Zviad has considered himself a proud citizen of the Russian Federation before any ethnic label. He has longed to see Russia return to a place of prominence in the world, but without the communism and totaltarianism, which he feels ruined Russia's chance for true respect in the world. However despite his pride in his country, he has long been an admirer of America's hero, Iron Man and longed to be an armored soldier of his own country. So after service in the Russian military, he joined the Dynamo program. However his love for piloting the suit did not include love for the political machinations of his superiors which he had a habit of calling them on. This attitude kept him from being promoted to Crimson. However it's gotten to the point Zviad's skill can't be denied despite his political beliefs, or lack thereof, and promotion appears inevitable.

How do you plan to introduce the character to the game?: Because of his uncooperativeness to play politics, Zviad will intially be assigned to the American branch of the Romanovs as a bodyguard/attache.

What are you planning to do with this character? He'll eventually be assigned with the rest of the Winter Guard to bring back Ivan Petrovich from Canada. However after hearing the whole story from Alpha Flight, he'll have a final roe with his superiors who strip him of his position in the Guard and imply he wouldn't be welcomed home.

What do you want to see happen with this character?:
After the business with Petrovich is over, I'm hoping Zviad might find a place as a reserve member of Alpha Flight. Reserve because he'd still be dedicated to keeping his American charges safe.

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