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Mikhail Loganovich Romanov ([info]mishaloganovich) wrote in [info]heroic_dynamo,
Another set of ears was listening in on the conversation from under stealth cover nearby. Misha took full advantage of the fact that his armor was more advanced and that most of the Guard didn't think his grasp of Russian was good enough to understand them. They all were careful to speak English to him and he let them all keep on believing it despite his fluency when he joined in their chat.

His curiosity was more for the suit. Not the mechanics of it, that was Anya's and Stark's field of expertise. He wanted to see how it did in battle maneuvers. He /needed/ to store more muscle memory now that the Guard would be a permanent part of his life for however long he lived. Who knows, he could be watching the grandfather of the guard who might one day be his security.

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