Oct. 12th, 2009

{IC4} We've got spirit...

Or is it really just that I was still a bit hungover from the weekend, combined with the cold rainy gross-ness of the day, that wearing pajamas to school sounded perfect.

Flannel pants (even if I did have to add a shirt) are much better to just roll out of bed in, ready to go.  I think the slippers were a hit as well if Rinoa-chan is any indication.

NaruuuuTenny.....what are you wearing tomorrow??

Oct. 8th, 2009

going my way?

{IC 3} Some days are better than others

So today one of my classes was cancelled but since I didn't have anything better to do until my next class, a few of us went to the food court and started plotting an invasion of the humanities building with foam swords and our armies of ninjas, pirates and robots.  Only problem?  No one could decide who got to be what...

I wanna be a ninja...but Aka makes it hard to be all sneaky and shit, so I might have to settle for pirate...