-&& twenty-six ღツ
Well, it's May 3rd now but on May 1st it was Beltane. So hope anyone who celebrates it had an amazing celebration. I know I did. :]] I'm really sorry I'm slacking on reading my friends lists along with posting. I just recently (April 30th) moved into me and Shay's first apartment that is in our name. No more us rooming with friends or people and paying rent! We are now set with our very own apartment. I should have everything hung up and set up by Sunday night (since we're waiting until Sunday to move the rest of the furniture). However as I'm living there my mom is going to buy me more and more furniture, and ones that fit the apartment better at that. Once things are a little more set up I'll take pictures and post them for everyone to see. The beautiful apartment and my kitty.
Luckily they are nicer then the Village which are the cheapest apartments around as far as I know. They are also really well known for being huge with drugs and drug dealers. So me and my sheltered self kinda shy away from that stuff. So for $50 - $75 extra I get a dishwasher and a much much much bigger apartment. :]] I loooove it. Squee! Mwahaha. Anyways, aside from that, me and Shay haven't been spending much time together unfortunately. I'm working 40+ hours a week and he's working late nights so he's asleep while I'm up and getting ready and I'm asleep when he's getting ready for work. But we still have at least 4-5 hours together a day. It's not so bad, actually it is making where I actually go to work in time and such. However, it's working good right now.
I hope everyone is doing well though and that everything is okay. On a side note, I've lost about 20lbs so far! I'm doing really well on my weight loss like I wanted which makes me super excited. I'mma sad panda though because I finally went through all my clothes and picked out what I don't wear, that doesn't fit or I don't like anymore and have gotten rid of three HUGE garbage bags worth of clothes that I am now giving away to charity. Which makes me feel good inside. I wanna start doing some volunteer time in the community. I really like helping others or helping out around town.
I saw a really sad video on Youtube today. My friend sent it to me. It's called snake baby. It's about children that are born with diseases that cause them to look literally like snakes. Their skin sheds and there are a lot more symptoms but if I get into it again I'll start crying again. Very few of these babies survive past infants. Even more rarely survive to adult hood. The part that scares me the most is that most people can be carriers of this disease and if both parents are carriers one in every four of their kids will be definately affected with it. That right there scares me. I kept crying earlier because I hate seeing people suffer like that or know that such things are happening. Makes me want to just take the pain onto myself so they can live a good, healthy life. Honestly I just want to see everyone be happy and healthy and it killed me watching that video.
I need to get off this sad note though. I'm really tired from the all nighter I pulled two nights ago unpacking and sorting everything in the apartment. Now I need to go get some coffee so I can make it through the rest of the day. Once again, hope everyone is doing well and I promise once I am back to my old schedule and getting better rest I'll make sure to catch up and remain attentive! :]]
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