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Reading sucks cock [26 Aug 2002|11:54pm]
Hey people, got up at like 10am or so. Kaila called and we talked for a couple, then she left. I just read my fucking homo book today. Then I attepmted to write some but that didn't work and I hate that class already. So I have one fucking day of summer vacation, so Jack is coming over at 8:30am 2moro and hopefully Greg can make it too. We are going to have a rad ass practice. So anyways I talked to Jamie some more today and it was good! Then Kaila got on AIM and we chatted some, she is going to come over 2moro too so we can talk things over and shit. Anyways not much going on at all tonight, just sitting around maybe chattin with some people, short entry but thats cause yesturdays was 80 pages long! So have a good night kids!!

Luv ya - Jimmy!~
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FUCK YOU LJ, Fuck me, fuck you? Burn out MOM! [26 Aug 2002|11:54pm]
Ok this is the fucking last fucking time I am typing up 2 days worth of shit. I fucking hate LJ, it fucking lost like 300 million pages worth of shit that I had typed up, and I was ready to fucking break this bastard machine lol. Ok so here we go for the last and final fucking time!

Ok so like it feels I haven't written in like fucking forever! I guess that could just be because I was so fucking busy! So it all started like Saturday morning, the morning after Kaila an I had gotten into a fight, she called me and we decieded WGS lol so she came over in the morning cause her mom had to pick up a bed so her mom dropped her off here around 10am I think, only her mom thought my dad was home which he wasn't but whatever lol So we hung out here watched a movie and chilled. Then her mom came back and picked us up and we headed over to Kaila's house. We just played some computer, went online, went into her room and hung out probably got some food some wheres in there. Umm then we were sitting outside and Daniel fucking broke the go-kart so Kaila decided to tow him up with the car, so while that was in progress Katie showed up, so we just towed Daniel up and then Katie, Kaila and hung out for a bit till the Slean Machine arrived and we all hung out, jumped on the trampoline and chilled and shit ya know lol So then at like 5pm we all headed up to Burlington for the fair thingy. Me and the Slean Machine took one car and the chicks had to take another car cause they went with Daniel and Sam and the 2 moms. So me and Slean did some 2 man driving, it was pretty rad ass, saw Waylen in Waterbury said HI to him. Then we continued our trip to Burlington. So we got into like the town of Essex or something and I stuck out my head from the sunroof and it was funny and everyone laughed. Then like on the way into the fair the turn, there was this nice car and so Slean has to burn some rubber, we also pretended to have no gas when going through town and made the car all jerky and jumpy, and it was fucking funny! So then we got into the fair, did the one ride I like to call "The Make Your Weiner Feel Good Ride' it was rad-ass and then we did another one, but the one after that, holy fuck I am never doing that one again! Some guy fucking puked, the guy was right infront of Kaila and Slean and then me and Katie were behind them so if the guy had puked when the ride was going any faster then it would gotten all over Slean and Kaila and I dunno if that would be funny or not. So then we got the fuck off that fucking Satan ride and walked around a bit, then I think Katie got a sausage lol and then me a Slean tripped with the leftovers, ya know the usual! it was good shit my friends! Then the girls wanted to see the damn animals so we looked at that for a bit, then we walked around some more, went on that Make Your Weiner Feel good ride about 400x more and then we went on the Dutch Wheel, I dont know why they call it a Dutch wheel its a fucking Ferris Wheel, well whatever it is we went on it and watched the fire works, then we left at like 10pm. What a phat fucking day! So its still not over you FUCK! haha So we drove back to Kaila's house and laid down on the trampoline and I gave Katie a massage, only when Kaila's mom came out I was stratteling Katie sooo ummm, then it was time for the boys and girls to go to sleep. So they went into the house and me and the Slean went back to the Fort of Jimmbee to get some rest, for the girls said they would make us breakfast, so we werent going to miss it this time! So we went back to my house, passed the Fondle Fest (dont ask lol) and since we promised we would go to breakfast we had to download a fucking alarm clock. So we got one and then we hit the beds and slept. Ok Day #2 here we go! So our downloaded alarm clock actually fucking worked, we woke up to Chop Suey YAY what fun that was! So then we got dressed brushed the teeth and ate like a box of mints just incase and headed back to Kaila's for some fucking awesome breakfast! Only when we got there the girls had like just woken up and thats odd cause they are usually always up before us lol So they got up and started making us some fucking awesome chocolate chip pancakes. These girls are just fucking amazing! So we ate that stuff, they had some breakfast too, and then we all went into Kaila's room and chilled rested upon her bed....Then we were recruited to work the gardens of hellfire.. We weeded some cut some and just dumped some more lol It wasn't really that bad actually....So then Katie left around 10am and we worked until like 11:30am when Katie came back cause they were going to Burlington and then me and the Slean decided to go. So we all hoped into the Pimpin' CRV and rode back to Burlington for a day of woman shopping, and OMG let me tell you, you need MAX ENERGY levels to do this stuff! So ok we got into the mall, me and Slean went into some fucking gay preppy ass queer fuck store grabbed some homo clothes and tried them on. Thats when we decided we need a camera. So the girls headed out to the B-Side cause Kaila had to get something for her brother. SO mean and Slean hit up Rite-Aid for a disposable camera. We met them back in the B-Side and we checked out some skate decks and then we left for Old Navy. So we got in there and saw this yellow jacket, so we decided out next outfit would be all yellow, so we got a yellow shirt, pants and jacket and went for the dressing rooms. Then we got a shot of that suit of yellow-ness and headed out to do more stupid things. We loaded Slean up with like 30 purse thingys then we pushed a set of stairs on wheels in the middle of the aisle. Then Sean got in the Old Navy truck thats like on display and we took a photo of that! Then the girls were finally done with that store so we headed down to some more stores and shopped those, then finally after what seemed forever we made it to the GOD-LIKE store VICTORIAS SECRET, hell yeah, then we found out they destroyed their old poster and that was stupid, so then we helped pick out some rad ass thongs! And that was fucking amazing! Mmm thongs on hott chicks YEEEEEEEEES! Ok so then we were walking back to the car and we had decided to take the stairs in the car garage and we spotted a milk jug like almost full and we were on the about 5th floor and I 'knocked' it out of Sleans hand, down 5 stories, it splatted everywheres. Katie, Katies mom and Kaila and us 2 were laughing our asses off, I swear Katies mom s the fucking most awesome mom ever! Damn it was cool! So then when were leaving Kaite's mom would burn some rubber around each turn of the car garage and it was amazing! So then we found out that we were hungry and decided to go to Chilies since it was near Staples and we had to go to Staples. So we first went to Staples, go in those 400 dollar chairs and pushed Sean around till people gave us weird looks and then we left. So then we headed to Chilies only there was a 20 minute wait so me and Slean headed to Best Buy, got 2 skate videos on DVD, played with the Subs and Amps and shit then as we were leaving the girls came and told us we had to go cause our table was ready. So we walked back and got our table. We got drinks food and ate all that stuff, they have good cheese burgers! And katie oh wow she got the ribs and holy fuck she just ate them like there was no 2moro, I like that in a girl getting a big meal and eatten it all with no stopping and then anyways we ate paid and left. So we all headed home back to Kailas house, its like 7:45pm right then or something close to that and we kinda slept in the car on the way back only Kaila had mad ADD shit or something, lol So then we got to her house said our goodbyes and kiss kisses and went home to end that mad rad ass fucking day! Theres more behind the scenes and hearts but I don't wanna go into that crap sorry. Its all good! So now I have to go do my book reports, see ya all later kids! Have a great last couple days!!! Oh wait I almost forgot, Jamie actually IMed me last night confirming it was her I talked to in NJ and holy crap she is super rad and stuff so I was very happy when she did IM me and it definetly amazing to have her back to talk too! Another good one is BROOKE IMed me and I haven't talked to her like at all this summer! And she is one fucking awesome chick, she's love Anti-Flag! I was almost crying when she said that! So thats just means I had a fucking awesome 2 days! Ok now dammit time to read GRRRR!!!!!
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[ viewing | August 26th, 2002 ]
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